My First Introduction To Hive

Hello, my name is Santi Komalasari. This is my first introduction to HIVE.

It's nice to be able to join this HIVE. I will try to give my best in HIVE .

I am a housewife. I have 4 children the first grade 1 high school,
the second is 3rd grade junior high school, the third is 4th grade elementary school and the last is 3 years old not yet in school, and I am 36 years old myself. I live in Bogor.

Alhamdulillah for now me and the children and their father are still in good health. I hope all my friends are also healthy.

I joined this HIVE to add friends and useful insights and knowledge, besides that this very valuable time can continue to be more useful.

A few introductions from me. Thank you.

by @santikomalasari.


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