Better late then never.


I have been a steemit member for a few months, but it has been a learning experience. I wish I knew then what I know now about steemit forum.

No regrets, however in an effort to re-vamp my blog I will start with my first introduction.

My name is Sage. I live in Texas an work in environmental health and safety. I am completely new in this field of work and just like my steemit page, my career path is an attempt to re-vamp my life.


I was given some brutally honest advice about how to be successful in steemit, the first piece of advice was to decide what type of forum I plan to host and who I want my audience to be.

I gave this about a month of thought and evaluated what I know, my life experience, as well as what I am passionate about in order to create content that would ad value to the steemit blockchain.

My life has been colorful to say the least. From every shade in a rainbow to every shade of black, white, and grey. I don't want to write about who I am or what I have been through because I am still trying to process and learn that for myself.

●I have decided to write about people who I have interacted with and tell stories about my experiences with them. I am sure I myself am a facinating specimen of human experiences, but I couldn't be who I am without the impact of crossing paths with the people in my stories and what I have learned from them.

Please excuse my gramical errors. I do care about format and my mistakes are not a product of laziness, they are the result of limited education. I will try to spellcheck my posts but may misspell context words like they're, there, their and misuse them in that manner.

        Other topics I plan to write about include:

  ●  Photoshop and photo editing. I find layering and blending photos to be very soothing for me and a healthy way for me to get out of my head sometimes and distract me from anxiety.



 ● Human trafficking in the United States, and the perspectives from all whom have been touched by this issue. This will include interviews, stories from peoples lives that live in lives dictated by sex work. 
   ○ Human trafficking and sex work is not just something that affects girls, porn stars, and Asian massage parlors. There are also the perspectives of the pimps, managers, agents, madams, and escort agencies. 
   ○ The perspectives of the advocacys devoted to human slavery, the law makers and task forces, and journalists that try to understand it and make changes. 
    ○ The families of people involved in sex trafficking and the role they have played in creating a foundation for the sons and daughters to one day become key players in the issue

  ● Government and police subterfuge, as well as media misconduct. 
   °I am not an anarchist, however I see that America has morphed into something I do not even recognize. I will be touching on subjects and stories about media misuse of power, and the goods and evils of what is happening within our legal and government systems. 

 ●Technology and spirituality as they relate to each other. 
  ° AI is nothing to fear, except when it fucks up. AI is the evolution of the human soul and and god is the creater of all that is. I will be writing about concepts that relate to this. 
  ° New tech designs is like gods creation of new life. I will open discutions about this. </center>

Thank you for taking the time to check out my intro. Have a fabulous day!

Quote of the day- Unknown source
    Dear Haters,

I have so much MORE for you to be MAD at... Be patient!

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