A sheriff, a hippy, and a wild child (INTRODUCEMYSELF )

Hey there, my name is Kasey...and unlike most homesteaders I have yet to name our place! We have 13 acres of forest that my partner and I are converting into a more sustaining little home.
We went with the choice of a modular home, after doing our research and crunching the numbers, the house couldn't fit us any better! It's affordable and comfortable. IMG_0082.JPG
Currently we have built 2 large raised beds for our garden, and that is soon to be expanding! We also have a Rabbit named Fergus, who came into our life by surprise but he supplies great fertilizer for our melon plants!
We just finished the chicken house, and plan to get chickens next spring because we still need to build a run.
Now some more about my partner and I...
We both work full time jobs in the city right now, he works in an industrial engineering environment, and I'm a outside sales rep for wholesale car parts. So he straps on his boots and carharts, and I strap on my high heels and we both have to spend 10 hours away from home.. IMG_0079.JPG
Blake (my partner) is also a sheriff reserve so he spends many of his nights in the city bettering the small community that we have chosen to raise our child in. IMG_0086.JPG
We are both in our early 20's and have a Three year old daughter named Sawyer. Our homestead is in Pacific Northwest Washington, which means a lot of rain, and a the color green anywhere you look!IMG_0089.JPG
Blake is from a long line of sheep farmers and his parents, and grandparents live walking distance from our place. His papa has a large sheep farm that he has spend a lot of his life working on and one day it will be a legacy we will Carry on. His Dad has a annual pumpkin patch that is very popular in our small town. Sawyer is a huge fan of pumpkin season and is always on the tractor or in the field IMG_0093.JPG
She is the only grandchild on Blakes side of the family, and has been blessed to be surrounded by wildlife, fresh food and a farm dynamic for a lot of her life!
I look forward to finding a like minded community within steemit, and we appreciate any upvotes and resteems! Feel free to follow me on instagram @ raisingsawyer
a huge thank you to [@mericanhomestead]https://steemit.com/@mericanhomestead for opening my mind to steem! If you don't follow them already! I would recommend you check them out!!

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