Hello Steemit! I'm Niki.

Hi everyone!

My name is Niki and I'm an early 30's guy travelling the world with my wife Sasha (who will be joining Steemit shortly), working on online projects in a variety of fields (software developer), entrepreneuring (is that a word? it is now.), and learning about life and all of its wonder by living it! 😉

I've already dipped my foot into the Steemit pond, so to speak, with an initial post about a morning routine that really helped turn things around for me physically and psychologically. Hope you enjoy reading it! Check it out here.

You can expect more personal insights and stories like that from me, as well as occasional opinion pieces, random cool photos, and educational posts as well (who here is interested in learning another language on Steemit?! Let me know below. 🙂)

I'm interested in:

  • cryptocurrencies in general (invested a bit, will start actively trading soon)
  • organic/eco/clean startups
  • applying tech to agriculture (container aeroponics, for example)
  • meditation
  • spirituality
  • anime
  • snowboarding
  • good food
  • organic lifestyle

BTW: can anyone with ICO experience recommend some resources for learning more about the ICO process start to finish? Or maybe know someone like that you can recommend? I'm interested in building a team for and ICO-crowdfunding a participatory streaming startup (think Twitch Plays for X).

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