Introduce My Self

Hallo Steemit hallo everybody let me introduce my self , my real name is Wirya Ambeg Nugraha but some friends call me Ngeng , for now i still study at University of Syiah Kuala and i'm a civil engineering.
Btw i love to listen music and sometimes i played that music and i try to record my music but, i'm not a composser lol. that just for fun. Sometimes i like to snap or take some photo of nature, architectural,people, and many more.
that's it my dayli life and let me join on this and let's get rich HAHAHA....

Halo Steemit halo semuanya ijinkan ane perkenalkan diri yoo , nama asli ane Wirya Ambeg Nugraha tapi teman2 sering manggil Ngeng , sekarang ane masih kuliah di salah satu perguruan tinggi negri di aceh yaitu Unsyiah dan jurusan ane teknik sipil gan.
Btw ane suka dengerin musik terus kadang2 suka main musik juga dan sering nyoba record sendiri .terus ane juga suka foto foto tentang alam, arsitektur,orang2, dan banyak lagi.
Itulah kebiasaan yang sering ane lakuin , ijinkan ane gabung di sini Steemit yoo :D

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