
Hi, I'm mcgozer and I'm a junkie.

Not a drug abuser, but an internet junkie. I met my wife on the internet. I do most of my conversing on the internet. I argue here, I learn here, find entertainment here, and I play here.

I started this addiction in the days of the BBS (bulletin board system) dialing up on my 1200 baud modem to see if it was my turn in Barren Realms, or if that guy had responded to my post on the news feed, yet. I would wake up in the mornings wondering if that download I started before going to bed had finished yet, or had it bombed out and would have to start over?

When the internet made its debut I jumped in with both feet, bypassing the internet kindergarten of AOL and figuring out my own path to bigger world. And I discovered online chat. Real time conversation with people all over the world on whatever topic you cared about. I was hooked.

I spent quite a bit of time in mIRC, but somehow got lured into Yahoo chat. It was there that I added politics to my repertoire. I had stuck mostly to layman science topics before that, and games, but I enjoyed politics and there was a bunch of it in Yahoo. And characters, there were some doozies. It was some kind of fun.

The years have passed. Yahoo chat faded away, MySpace took the net by storm, but was soon replaced by Facebook where I have left my tracks for quite some time.

I have grown cynical now. My bright eyed optimism has soured into skeptical expectations of fraud, corruption, and deceit. I have adopted a very libertarian position on most things.

I come here, to Steemit, with my interest in science topics still driving me to read and learn and ask questions. I am not a scientist, so my contributions in the field don't come from a personal practice, but from a love of the outcomes of the work of others. Astronomy, cosmology, and physics are my main interests in this area.

And, I still crave the political debates. I have come to realize I am no fan of the machinery of politics. I tried. I joined. I did the meetings, the campaign walks, the protests and rallies. I became a central committee member both for my county and my state. And I learned some harsh truths. There are very few people in professional politics I would ever trust. Fewer still that I like. Its an ugly, secretive, back stabbing business that ultimately is all about enrichment and powermongering by the individuals driven to such desires.

I have learned I love the philosophy of politics and government, but not the reality of it.

I believe I have a fair understanding of the Constitution and the founding philosophy of the USA. I would like to see us try it out for a while, as it was written, to see if that works out better than the mess we have today.

I'm not going to be a daily blogger, probably. I get my muse in fits and spurts. I will be a daily reader, and maybe a daily responder. I hope I get to know some of you well, and many of you as familiars with whom I share some common interests.

Let's see how it goes.

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