Hola a todos !! Mi nombre es Luixo Torreblanca. Me presento en Hive... Hi everyone...this is my introduction to Hive

" De niño en casa ponían musica y me quedaba tranquilo mirando al cielo, como si estuviera buscando notas musicales..."

"As a child, we would play music at home and I would stay calm, looking at the sky, as if I were searching for musical notes..."

Mi nombre es Luixo Torreblanca. Soy un cantante, productor, dj, fundador de Torreblanca Music Group y co-fundador de A&L Record, sello discografico independiente creador de talentos locales como Ele Viktor, Tito el Orikawa, Yuniel el Chamako entre otros.

My name is Luixo Torreblanca. I am a singer, producer, DJ, founder of Torreblanca Music Group and co-founder of A&L Record, an independent record label that has created local talents such as Ele Viktor, Tito el Orikawa, Yuniel el Chamako among others.

Nací y vivo en la Habana Cuba,Desde niño en mi casa se escuchaba musica de Alejandro Sanz y Elvis Crespo , tambien musica cubana de la epoca, generos como la salsa, la timba y el son. Cuentan mis padres que no me separaba de mi televisor cuando transmitían programas musicales como "Arcoiris Musical" y "Mi Salsa", en este último tocaban las orquestas en vivo.

I was born and live in Havana, Cuba. Since I was a child, my house was filled with music by Alejandro Sanz and Elvis Crespo, as well as Cuban music of the time, genres such as salsa, timba and son. My parents say that I would always be in front of my TV when they broadcast music programs such as "Arcoiris Musical" and "Mi Salsa", in the latter the orchestras played live.

Me intereso por el canto y la producción musical a principios de los 2000's con el boom de la musica urbana en el caribe. Produzco mi propia musica y al tocarla produce en mi una sensación de tranquilidad extrema. Mi expectativa dentro de la Web3 es que todas las personas del mundo tengan acceso a mi música sin diferencias de raza o género.

I became interested in singing and music production in the early 2000's with the boom of urban music in the Caribbean. I produce my own music and playing it gives me a feeling of extreme tranquility. My expectation within Web3 is that all people in the world have access to my music without differences of race or gender.

Llego a la web3 mediante una amiga y excelente cantante llamada @suanetmusic. Soy el autor de todas mis canciones pero he interpretado temas de diferentes autorias. Sin más, mi música es de ustedes

I came to web3 through a friend and excellent singer called @suanetmusic. I am the author of all my songs but I have performed songs by different authors. Without further ado, my music is yours.





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