Hello Steemit, my name is Cindy .
I'm just gonna list a few facts about myself so we can get to know each other a bit better.
I'm 22 at the moment and I was born in Australia. I came here when I was 6. I'm half Chinese and Australian and so I have a bit of weird accent. Not Australian it's not English It's in between. A bit of outcast and another things you need to know about me, I'm obsessed with tea. My fashion sense is I've got a grandma chic. I either look like five-year-old or grandma and there's and kind of no in between. I've been vegetarian for seven months now and vegan for about a month. and If you look super closely at me I am the frog emoji. I also have a major obsession with music anything about singing, instruments and concerts, band just everything. And that basically me in a nutshell please feel free to leave me a comment.