Hey Hive!



I'm super stoked to be here on this new platform. I first saw mention of it last month when I saw an art competition shared on Twitter. It was written here and it was new to me as I had only seen medium or WordPress posts before.

I have been hearing about crypto currencies for quite a while and have been shaking my head every time I read something about the 'gubment' printing money without a care in the world.

I believe in freedom.

Ultimate freedom and that begins with self freedom. Importantly, freedom from the ineptitude of our governments.

My investigations led me to some popular tweeters on Twitter, now there's a sentence to say when you're on the tequila shots!

Sorry sorry sorry. I'm not great at focus. I started thinking that I should get into crypto but it's a daunting place out there and I didn't know where to begin.

Some were tweeting 'buy bitcoin'

Others were tweeting buy 'insert strange acronym'

Then I stumbled upon the art contest blog and it mentioned earning crypto by taking part in contests and blogging about art.

That's handy, I've been in bands and practice digital art and would love to share my stories and work.

That's me in the picture above. I will let you guess which one.

I hope to get to know some of you. Heck, all of you? That would be nice.

See you soon!

| Limping Cat |

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