Creative Living.

I typed a book title idea into my iphone notes once upon a time ago.
Laura Scarborough: A Life Creatively Lived.

I suppose it sounds like the beginning of an obituary, but the idea was that I should write a memoir someday about the wonder, curiosity, and play approach to living.  

You see, I believe happiness is derived from creative living, and creativity lives inside all of us.  

Creativity is an outlook - a way of being and seeing the world.  
Creativity is colorful.

Creativity exists in daily choices. Creativity is active - not passive.  

Creativity requires presence and bandwidth.
Creativity understands everything is in a state of flow and that obstacles are opportunities.  

Creativity leads to invention - but only with Action.
Action is : doing the work.
Action is : realizing the vision.
A friend last night said to me, “My new years resolution for 2018 is to resolve something everyday... and it's been going great - I'm getting so much done!”  

Resolve to Resolve. Brilliant, right?!
So, my resolve today was to get my first post up on Steemit.
I discovered Steemit because a fellow Steemer sent me a message that he had shared some music of mine in a post (Artopium Post Link Here). He said it had generated positive response and some Steem -- and that I should get over here!
Since then, I’ve been exploring, reading, learning about blockchain, the crypto currency world, and checking out the awesome vibe here. I think this community is creative, innovative, forward thinking, supportive, engaged, and curious. So I’m in and delighted to be here!

I’m a touring musician, piano instructor, vibraphonist, multi-instrumentalist, nerd, dog mom that’s been hooping (yes hula hooping) for over 13 years. Austin, TX is my home base. I teach and share about the power of creative living, growing younger, and hooping for fitness, play, and movement meditation.
Looking forward to sharing, learning, and finding inspiration here on Steemit. :D

Love, Laura


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