My First Post: Hi, I'm Jose Pleguezuelos!


Welcome, Steemians! My name is Jose Pleguezuelos, I am a wedding photographer and I live in a beautiful coastal town in Tarragona, Spain.

I am a dreamer, I love to travel and I am a great lover of photography, music, nature, sunrises and sunsets, the smell of freshly mown grass, rain, smiles, the magic behind a glance, the smell of the sea, the tranquility of the mountains, the stories of knights and princesses, animals, video games and, in short, of life. ❤


I love my work very much, tell through photography the story of the happiest and most important day of your life, I tell love stories. And like all stories, it's important to do it right, so that every time you want to relive that day, you can feel inside that story again and you can immerse yourself in it, as if it were happening again.


Photograph taken by me

For me, the greatest reward of all this is the sparkle in the eyes and the words of thanks I receive from all my couples, when they remember the sensations when looking at their photographs of the most important day of their lives. The simple fact of being able to participate in making those memories last forever is something that has no price for me. ❤


Photograph taken by me

I have always thought that there is nothing better than to love what you do, to be passionate about it, to pour your heart and soul into it, to put all your effort and enthusiasm into it every day.

There is a quote from the film "The Pursuit of Happyness" that I loved from the first moment I heard it, so I want to share it with you, because it's the way I feel and do things:

“Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you you can’t do it. You want something, go get it. Period.”


Life is like that, if you want something with all your heart and you try hard to get it, if you really think you deserve it, your reward will come. The universe will take care of aligning whatever it takes to make it happen. I don't believe in chance or luck, everything happens for a reason and there are energies that make things happen that way.

I hope that behind these lines you have imbibed a little more of my being.

In my blog I will be sharing my passion with you.

I send you some love! ❤

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