Howdy, If You Fancy Horses, Reck Culture and Enquiry Then I Recommend Taking Heed of Me

Who I am is not important, what's important is what I'm gonna manifest. I simply despise what the world is coming to, and it’s time that something be done.

We are faced with a rising dictatorship in the European Union that threatens our very livelihoods here on the Steemit blockchain. EU legislature has concocted a new way to censor dissension and incapacitate independent content creators, alternative media, and websites such as ours, Imgur, 4chan, Reddit, Know Your Meme, Twitch, Wordpress, Minds, Pinterest etc. ‘Tis much to the delight of legacy media corporations that the European Union Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, was approved by the European Parliament on September the 12th 2018. It will be getting a final plenary vote from Parliament early next year, anytime in between the last month of this year and the first half of next year. Provided that endorsed, all member states shall have two years to setup laws that harmonize with the directive on copyright. 

Article 13 and article 11 of the EU copyright directive are what the gist of the controversy is. Article 11 does not allow for the posting of links to press publications for free any more; nor does it allow for the quoting of two words in succession on any website which didn't buy a license from the press publisher. If you are an owner of a website and you quote and/or link to a news article, you are now legitimately required to pay a "link tax" (buy a license from the press publisher). Twenty years after publication their copyright shall expire, restoring your ability to post the link without tax. Ain't nobody gonna be linking or quoting a twenty year old news article as though it were hot off the press. 

Under the dominion of article 13 websites will be forced to install content recognition technologies aka upload filters, for they are now liable for what their users post. The automated upload filters will scan one’s upload for any copyrighted content against its long list of copyright protected works for matches, prohibiting the upload if any copyrighted content is found. You know how well that’ll work. Them content identifying algorithms are hit or miss. Memes, parodies, and fair use content will likely be identified by big brother AI as copyrighted material (zap); undermining fair use. 

The European Union needs this to ensure its survival. As such a directive will stifle those pesky naysayers (reckoning that their countries should withdraw from the EU), whilst it would promote the mainstream media as it is largely pro EU. However their efforts might be futile; only if, we do something about it.

Why is tyranny always creeping up on us?

A shout-out to Dave Cullen for his support which made it much easier to type this editorial. His videos and guidance to many articles which I would not be able to reach without a hyperlink is mightily appreciated.

Hold on folks we ain’t done just yet. I’ve saved the best for last, horses!

Horses are a very important part of our heritage, and very special beings. They have been serving us for some forty-eight centuries. Horses made journeying far and wide conceivable, helping to spread word and wares. They were employed in our wars and tilled our fields, still do in some parts. And how do we repay them? By forsaking them to oblivion when they are no longer of any use to us. I think not! These were the fosters of our civilization and it’s long overdue that we return the favor and foster them. Horses deserve a place in our future people. They are losing genetic diversity as more and more breeds keep decreasing in numbers. They have already lost a substantial amount of genetic diversity, particularly on the male side due to rigid pedigree breeding practices.

I made this account to raise public awareness and earn coin to protect and proliferate endangered horse breeds. Many won’t see the connection but in doing so I also protect and preserve our values and our people.

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