"You will face many defeats in life, but never let your self be defeated " —Maya Angelou



Hi Hive, it's me @fairydimples I'm currently studying in senior high school. I am 17 years old turning 18 next year and my zodiac sign is Taurus. I live in Sab-a San Remigio Cebu which is located in the Philippines. I have 7 siblings out of the 7 we only have one boy and I am the youngest among the 7. My height is 4'11 and my skin color is neither too white nor too black. Another thing I am the only cute among them 😄.



When I was 12 years old, my mother got sick. After 1 month, she passed away due to heart disease. At that time, I didn't know what to do because of the tragedy that happened in my life. I feel confused about where to start? or when to start again? its like I'm not on myself. As the time passed slowly, I'm starting to understand that life is not all about happiness. Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win. What you have to do is fight, even though you know that people are trying to bring you down.

Honestly, it's very difficult without a mother by your side. You have no one to talk to about your problems or what you want to do. I am more than close to my mother than my father, so it hurts me a lot when my mother is gone, and our house feels dark without her presence. And now I am waking up to the tragedy that has passed. I am a persistent student even though it is difficult because I didn't have a mother to guide me. I grew up without a mother by my side. It's so hard that every time you get sick, you look for the care of a mother that you've never experienced because she's gone.

Now at this moment I've realized that's it's okay to be at your lowest but you need to be strong enough to face every circumstances and make it as your strength. Because I believe the quote that" there's a rainbow after the rain". When I missed my mom I will just look up to the sky and reminisce the memories we had.


Now I am a grade 12 student who is about to go to college,I hope I can graduate according to God's will, because I want to prove to my mother and father that I can, despite of all obstacles I've encountered I still survive pursuing my dreams and goals because I know that every problem has a solution." Don't loss hope just trust the process".



I love playing volleyball because when I was in elementary, I really loved holding a ball even though I didn't know how to play it. One time, our teacher told us about a volleyball tryout, and I decided to give it a try. I gave my best effort during the tryout and after the tryout our teacher will select a players and I was shocked because I didn't expect that I a was also selected to play at the district level. After that the announcement was made that we will proceed to a training session. After months of training I saw our improvement.

Even though I am only 4'11" tall, I realized that height is not the only factor in sports as long as you have skills. When I entered high school, I continued playing volleyball with my teammates. We traveled to different schools and compete in order to improve our skills. We faced difficulties when visiting other schools and barangay's because we don't have a trainer and a permanent training facility. Unlike the other team, they have a coach to train them every day and a complete equipment while us with no trainer nor equipment we just had to give our best effort and our experience in volleyball. Playing your favorite sport can make you happy, this is my way of releasing my stress and refreshing my mind. Whenever I play volleyball I feel like I don't have any problem and I feel free.


Additionally I love taking pictures of a sunset because taking a picture of a sunset holds a deep meaning for me. Why? because watching the sunset signifies the end of the day and the beginning of another, As the sun sets I am reminded to be grateful for all that I have and to look forward to what the future holds, the sunset is not just a natural phenomena but a symbol of hope for me.I count my blessings everyday to be able to witness such exquisite beauty it is the fact that they shine so brightly despite being at their low and it is the great depiction for me because even when I am at the lowest I am still beautiful, amazing and brilliant just like the sun I have the courage yet rise again and I am incredibly strong for doing so.


The reason why I joined Hive is because I want to communicate with other's through blogging, make friends in different countries, enhance my writing skills, and widen my knowledge. Also, I want to explore more about what a blog actually is. Joining Hive is exciting!


[The picture taken by @callmesmile]

Honestly,I don't have any idea what is HIVE ,but thanks to my subject teacher @callmesmile for introducing What actually Hive is and also, I would like to say thankyou to ma'am @indayclara and sir @ybanezkim26 for sharing their knowledge about HIVE.

In addition I would like to take this opportunity to be part of your community. To help me improve my writing skills because I know that I'm not good in terms of writing but I am trying to be good at it. I am so lucky to be here.Thankyou for spending your time reading, God bless you all! 😊

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