Finally getting started on Steemit! An introduction of me :)

Hello Steemit community! I first signed up with Steemit at the beginning of September 2016 after watching a YouTube video posted by Dollar Vigilante on the Anarchast channel featuring Dan Larimer & Ned Scott – Developers of Steemit.
My interest was most certainly piqued at the concept of being able to post content in a forum without having the bureaucracy that surrounds most social media outlets. Plus, by posting on Steemit you have the added benefit of potentially earning recognition in the form of Cryptocurrency. This appealed to me instantly as an alternative to other social media sites to post various types of content including opinion, reviews, experiences, book excerpts etc..
Now a little about me.
I’m your average American that feels more like a slave to my J.O.B. rather than someone that does the things that they desire to do. I live in the beautiful state of Montana, that has dense forests and snow capped mountain peaks which provide an element of peace and immense beauty to behold. After living, what at times seemed like the surface of the sun, in Las Vegas, Nevada for over eight years, Montana was a welcome change of pace and quite literally a breath of fresh air. Don’t get me wrong, Las Vegas offers many opportunities for higher education, entertainment and well paying jobs among a myriad of various walks of life and people, however after a little over five years of living in Montana I could not see myself living in major city full time again. After attending college and studying a variety of subjects, I realize that self-employment is my ultimate goal and the best opportunity to break free from the J.O.B. stigma and afford me the time to focus on the things I enjoy and want to do.
Some of my interests include learning about Herbology, Botany, organic gardening, DIY projects, self sufficient farming techniques, etc.. My interest in these topics stem from my desire to produce the necessary staples for my family’s consumption but also to eventually be able to produce enough food crops and livestock to generate an income and with any luck, be able to help improve the lives of others in my community. I’m also working with a ghost writer on a few books, so I plan to post some excerpts of those as well. Oh, I also enjoy eating and since I’m not much of a cook I plan on learning and talking about cooking and food too!
I could go on and on about the things I wish to accomplish or learn about, so I will leave that to future posts and hope that you will join me on the journey.

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