Introduce Myself 8/20/2017 Jerry Lewis sad news

Photo on 8-20-17 at 2.39 PM.jpg

I couldn't think of a better way to introduce myself. If the post is true it is truly sad news and a sad timestamp. I have enjoyed his comedy and telethons for the majority of my life. It reminds me of a time when all was good in the world. We didn't need to worry about where the money we donated was going. I am new to this platform and really like to remain private about many of the social issues we face today. I will say this, at 46 years of age, I have learned from my travels all over the world that we all, by and by, want the same thing, peace and happiness. Governments and powers that be, distort the truth and reality. Don't listen to or believe any of the non-sense out there. It is just white noise as far as I am concerned. While there is evil and hate out there, it simply doesn't exist on the level they would have you to believe. Think for yourself, not what others tell you or show you in a 5 second edited clip. Ask yourself, were you there? Did you see it happen? Have you personally met the person you are passing judgment on? So many things and people are simply not what you are led to believe. Try to put yourself in other people shoes and understand what brought them to where they are today. Let's not let anyone tear us apart as human beings. You don't have to agree with everyone but appreciate the fact that we can disagree and still live peacefully together. Peace to everyone here in the community, I look forward to meeting and chatting with new peeps. Crypto, Real Estate, Travel, Parenting, EDM, Soccer(Football), All things Polish(My wife is from there), Florida State University football, I love any of these topics...

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