introduce my self

Actually Im not good at introduce my self. Hi my name is devi I'm from ACEH, INDONESIA.


For people especially from those countries miles away, aceh is not familiar. or maybe even indonesia,some people doesn't know where it is.Is this country exist? lol. of course it is. Ive got this question when i was in Turkey. I met a turkish lady in a shop and we had a small talk. She asked me where i am from. When i mention Indonesia, she was like confuse.. mmmm where is it? ( oh someone doesn't know where my country is .. LOL), then I had to say.. you know BALI (since BALI is more famous than Indonesia.. oh dear >.<) and i could see her face amazed.. "oh yessss BALI.. a Beautiful COUNTRY. I wish i could visit this beautiful country one day". I was like A COUNTRY?? Really?? hahah. Then i explained her that BALI is not a country. It is one of province in Indonesia. and yes it is as beautiful as most islands in Indonesia.

ok lets get back to ACEH :) . Aceh is not famous until i mention Tsunami. Yess Tsunami. indian ocean earthquake and tsunami in 2004, at least 200,000 people in Aceh died. but I'm not going to talk about tsunami here. I'm going to talk about me and Aceh :D.
map of aceh.. source from google

i was born in aceh around 30 years ago. I'm still young, right :P lol. i like reading (novel, comics,poetry), crafting, learn new thing and traveling (although i only visit same places each years lol :D)

the world.jpg !

this words has inspired me to visit more and more places around the world. dream it and make it come true :)

okay..this is my first post on steem it. i would like to say hi to stemeer around the world. hi from Aceh,, hi from Indonesia...


Hi from me, Devi :)


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