My introduction to steemit

My name is flower. I was born in Lhoseumawe, 18 June 1990 I come from Aceh Indonesia. My hobby is writing and singing. I am very grateful because now I managed to get a chance to be here.


In addition, I have a mission to make myself better known and have many achievements through my hobby of writing and singing. I will try to take part as long as it relates to the world. This is my first step towards achieving my goal of becoming a famous person.

The reason why I joined this platform from the first time because this platform is quite amazing and find many members who can share their blogs in the countries of the world. Hopefully I can follow them too.

Thanks also to the curator @good-karma for this steemit progress, may we all be able to contribute well to steemit.

Yes, that's all I can tell a little about myself.

Thank you for the visit at Introducing me.

FOLLOW ME @bunga1

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