Hello, my name is Brendon Jones

Hello, my name is Brendon Jones.
Thank you to everyone who is reading this post, I will be sharing with you my story, my purpose for blogging and creating online content, and my vision for all of us as a collective.

Since I was a small child, I always had a peculiar interest in the deeper subjects of life. As far as I can remember, my mother was the constant receiver of my questions, like "what is the meaning of life?" or "why doesn't God have a mom?" Typically I'd get an "I don't know" or a "Pray about it" type of response, but the feeling of needing to know what always there.

Needless to say, the answers never satisfied me, but always was my desire for knowledge respected and noted by my mother and the other adults in my life. I could count without my fingers, memorize and re-enact long and drawn out scenes and monologues, even write small epics about the struggle of two powerful nations. I was very bright and outgoing, always pushing the question of "why" for everything. I have thankfully kept that tendency and now use that as my fuel for sharing the gems of knowledge I now hold.

My childhood wasn't all sunshine however, my father was made a target by the criminal "justice" system, and after his subsequent arrest for buying medication without a signature, my perspective on the world changed from being one of justice to one of uncertainty. My father was my idol in a sense, to me he was exactly how a man ought to be. Going to jail in my young mind meant you really did something wrong. I asked him behind the glass "what did you do dad?" and he said, "nothing to hurt anyone. I didn't follow a rule and now I'm being punished."

He got 2 years for that offense.

So, fast forward to November of 2019, I get a call from my grandmother that my dad once again was in jail, because his brother called claiming harassment being done to my grandmother. My father is arrested, and I've had it. I drive 16 hours to Grand Junction Colorado, represent my father in court, get kicked OUT OF THE TRIAL, and he's released in an hour. The details of that will be in future posts.

That moment defined for me what my purpose is in this world. That's to always tell the truth, never backing down from facing the unknown. My page is dedicated to sharing with you how to take control of your commercial agreements and enterprises, how to use the name already given to you as a transmitting utility, just like your debit card. I'm here to show you how valuable you really are, how important your participation is in this commercial reality, which is no different from THE reality itself.

I am an explorer of every topic, from health and wellness to legal and financial solutions, to esoteric knowledge, the whole nine. I am very active, physically and socially. I can talk about anything, and enjoy silence. I am forever a student, bringing people around me who are smarter and more capable in all ways.

I am an advocate of mental, physical, emotional, legal, financial, and spiritual growth. Because, in reality, these are all the same.

There is no difference between a soul contract and a physical contract!83367690_2676271795761393_8609486537261842432_o.jpg

If you're looking for real remedy, real solutions, look no further. I'm your man.

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