Let's Get This Over With

It always seems that for me, the hardest part about writing is getting started (I must have retyped that first sentence at least 20 times).  

Hello everyone, my name is Andrew. I am located in Virginia, United States. I am currently finishing high school, and I plan to attend college in the fall. Over the past 10 years, my thoughts about what I wanted to do with my life have changed frequently. At various points throughout my childhood, I have fallen in love with various careers, and dreamed of becoming a meteorologist, an FBI agent, a video game developer, a software developer, a DJ, and an investment banker. One time, I was driving down the street, and I saw a cop directing traffic. I then spent the next hour and a half thinking about how fun it would be to be a police officer. As you can probably tell, I fall in love with new careers easily and often. As I get ready to attend a four year university, I think I have found the new perfect career for me, becoming a computer developer/engineer, working specifically on blockchain technology. Over the past year, I have had a portion of my savings invested in bitcoin and ether. As I learn more and more about the architecture of these cryptocurrencies, and the plethora of altcoins, I am convinced that blockchain technology is the future of computing and our financial system. It would be so cool to be at the forefront of this new technology, both with its development and its adoption.

Going forward on steemit, I think I will post about crypto related news, and news related to US politics. I look forward to exploring this new frontier with you all.

Have a good day all,

Andrew :)

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