research, experience

Title: The author

Hello friends! My name is Manuel Ortiz Mora, I am an architect with 18 years of experience in the professional practice, I currently work as a university professor at the Universidad de Los Andes, Merida, Venezuela.

I have been a university teacher since 2003 and I can say that sharing the teaching career with professional practice has opened the doors to a wide variety of topics, such as basic concepts of geometry to the application in architecture as well as thoughts and reflections on professional practice and entrepreneurship.

Title: end of course
Author: Maritza Fonseca

I am currently in the process of researching several topics such as:

Geometry as a design basis. Great personalities that I have met in the world of design and architecture, which have made me great influence on the importance of geometry for the architect and its exercise, starting from the basic elements of geometry and composition such as point, line, plane, as well as Euclidean geometry based on angles theorems and fundamental concepts of triangles and shapes.

Title: summer course
Author: Arquimanuel

I am interested in the field of geometry to be able to check and evaluate all those theories referring to fractal geometry, which is part of the mathematics that studies geometry and natural applications. It is very important from my point of view the role of the researcher in the thinking of the architect, since as professionals we must understand that we are what I decided to call "space scientists" and not just technical drafters as in some cases is implied.

I consider of great value for professional training the constant study of concepts related to the theories of light, its combination with the variety of shapes and volumes, which if taken more seriously give us great alternatives of design, concepts and criteria that many times they have been forgotten in the academy and that great masters of history like Rafael, Brunelleschi, Leonardo Da Vinci, le Corbusier, Frang Loyd Rigth and others insisted that the treaty of forms in the intervention of space is more than a necessity, they teach us that covering the need is just one aspect of any masterpiece called architecture. Geometry, light, color, shapes, textures, live and exert a great influence on the constant architectural sharing.

However, if there is no passion for what is done, all these concepts are no more than theories, whatever it may be! for that reason I also lean towards the preparation of leadership that a great professional must develop, because if there is no passion and leadership, little can be achieved in a world as competitive and changing as the era in which we exist.

I hope to share my opinions and discover an innovative world in all aspects related to architecture, because the world is getting smaller and smaller based on the digital age, barriers no longer exist and universal knowledge is what will give freedom of thought to the men and women of the future, creating new alternatives to live always with a view to a changing scenario.

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