My best friend ever! (maybe the only one)

Hi again!!
It's me! WALUIIIIGI!!!

OK IM JUST KIDDING i'm not waluigi! hahaha

Ok, it's time to be serious.
I want to show you all my best friend, im a bird fan so i have my own bird.. My own owl, i love him so much..
He always travel with me anywhere i go <3.. I will do anything for him..
He's my life.. I dont know what i will do with my life without him...

His name is Ccino. ( Thats from Capuccino, he had a brother called Capu and he is Ccino.. But Capu is.. dead.. Sadly..)

This is Capu (R.I.P)

He died when he was a little boy in an accident at home and since that I promised to take Ccino with me everywhere, I take care of him as if he were a part of me, because right now that's him, a very important part of me, he's my closest friend and he's who is always aware of everything that happens to me.
I love Ccino with my soul.. And i miss Capu a lot.. I hope he's in a good place now..
I'm a Burd fan, an Owl fan and i want to get a new friend to play with Ccino..
I want buuurds!! i love theem!!
But well. there is my blog..
Thanks for reading again!!
Have a good day Burddies!

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