Hi steemit! my first post

 Excited to join this community

 Thanks to steemit for receiving me, my name is Adriana Amaricua, I'm 25 years old and I'm from Venezuela, I recently discovered this network and I liked it for its design and productivity, I would like to share with all content that interests me and show my work and what I like to do, in addition to nurturing the post they publish that are very interesting, these first two days that I have to join I have spent reviewing their post and they are Great.

 This is me

A little more of me. 

I recently did my thesis presentation in the industrial engineering career for which I feel very grateful, but at age 10 I started in the world of theater as part of Puertoteatro growing in the first tables with children's theater, then with theater for adults.

I also wanted to try in the circus world where I do juggling workshops with clubs, balls, rings, clown workshops, but what I love about the circus and what I continue to practice is acrobatics and acroyoga, these last two I love because it has taught me Control my body and demands that I take it to the limit. 

I love nature and I love to portray its beauty, in my free time I like to draw and I do it to release any stress. 

This is a small introduction of me and as I said before I would like to share with everyone what I do.


I hope you help me in my beginnings in steemit 

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