Why I Was Made For Steemit and Steemit Was Made For Me.

When I look at the world, I see incredibly natural beauty.

I even see some of the human-made kind from time to time.

Like everyone, however, I also see the toxicty and destructiveness of the human species. I don't need to go into detail about the problems we're facing. There's so much of that already that we're drowning in it. What we need is to flood our lives with content that shows that another way is not only possible - it already exists and is tested, proven, and working.

When I look at this community and the technical infrastructure that has been built to help it thrive, I feel as though I am - as I write this very post, staring directly into one of these solutions.


If you're interested in seeing content that highlights all the ways that humans are already having sucess in making the change that is starting to cause the pendulum to finally swing in the other direction, then follow this steemit account.

I'll do everything I can to load you up with content which will leave you feeling inspired, empowered and amazed. Most of all I want to leave you feeling like we might actually turn this situation around and create something better for future generations than the mess we've been left with.

Why I was Made For Steemit:
For the past 18 years I've been working in film and TV production, honing my ability as a communicator to hold audience attention and distil complex ideas down to easily digestible form.

Over the past few years I've been writing articles for UpliftConnect.com. I've got long list of screen projects in various stages of development and I also work as a university lecturer at a creative media school currently teaching cinematography and production, and film theory. Previously, I've taught social media, screenwriting and post production. I've also spent a little bit of time working in social media management and event management.

Whenever I have time, I am constantly researching and following any developments in technology that could help us as steer ourselves out of the mess we're in and Steemit is exactly what I've been hoping for, for a really long time.


Why Steemit Was Made For Me
Some of the key solutions I'm interested in at the moment are ideas like blockchain based digital direct democracy, making sure internet access is universally available, decentralised management structures like sociocracy and teal, decentralising the power of the traditional banks through blockchain based crypto currencies, localising food production, localising and decentralising electricity production with renewable energy, sustainable housing and infrastruture, permaculture and bioremediation... the list goes on and on.

I have long felt the need for a social media platform that unites everyone who no longer wants for us to continu existing in the current system as it now stands. The blockchain based meritocratic voting system is a social experiement I can't wait to get involved in, as it has the potential to inspire ideas that could solve the biggest hurdle for digital direct democracy: the danger of people who don't have any idea what they are talking about having influence over issues which will affect everyone. Some kind of secure, open source, meritcratic syetem could be the answer. This could be a stepping stone towards us telling the governments of the world, who have been so blatently representing their corporate employers instead of us, their constituents, that they are out of a job because they too have been replaced by technology. No need for representatives when we can all finally represent ourselves.

Overall, Steemit is helping me solidify an idea that has brewing from within me over the past months and even years. It is helping me consider the possibility that we may be past the tipping point of changing the direction of humanity towards a more positive future.

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