My Intro To Steemit

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Many years ago I was asked to take the weekend to think and write about... Who Am I.
So I went away and pondered the enormity of the task and to my teachers horror, I arrived in on Monday morning and gave him a sentence. Which read,

I am like the universe unable to be completely known.

To this day I still stand by that statement, as I don't like to limit or put myself or anyone else for that matter, in a box.
As I am learning , changing , growing all the time.

I believe in the greatness of the human race. The infinity of spirit.
That there is a reservoir of evolutionary energy within everyone of us that can be accessed at anytime, any age.
That our true nature is not limited.
And once we connect to that resource, the treasure, that which is within us all.
Communicate, develop, express and trust in it completely.
Well then we can achieve anything we want to. We can be whoever we want to be.
We live our dreams.


(image courtesy of google)

In a nutshell what I can tell you is at present my biggest passion is running the mountains in all extreme weather conditions.


Making art pieces from wood.

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Living life to the full and trying not to waist a second.

I cannot tell you how excited and delighted I am to have discovered Steemit.
What appeals to me the most is the emphasis that original material is preferred and wanted, anything else is frowned upon.
I have decided that here, I am going to share Everything!!!

The more I learn about Steemit the more interesting and exciting the site becomes.

I look forward to the friendships that are going to develop,
the mind expansion from just participating.
The journey.

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