An introduction to the Steemit community

Hello everyone here at Steemit.

My name is Zach. I am 26 years old out of Massachusetts. I am here to learn as well as post my opinions about things going on in the world. I like to talk a lot about conspiracies- even though there are some people that completely think every conspiracy is bogus. I believe that there is a lot more going on in our world, our governments, and the Military Industrial Complex than everyone thinks. There are plenty of whistleblowers with credentials to back up many of their claims and I believe we really should be looking into these more seriously. Things like corruption, aliens and space, NASA, intelligence (and their methods of gaining it) are some of the things I like to talk about and hear what others think.

Enough about conspiracies though. I also like to talk about other things. News, animals, movies, and music are some of them. I'm learning some web development- HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc. I'm just a beginner though, but I'm trying to study and learn new things everyday to hopefully make a career out of it. So I would love to read posts with any tips and tricks on learning to code.

I'm happy to be here and am hoping to meet some of you and hear what you have to say. Thank you for reading this!

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