Sepi dan Secangkir Kopi (deserted and a cup of coffee)



di ruang sepi,
mengalah juga aku pada detak jarum jam di dinding,
tak perlu mengupat kesombongan yang dipertontonkan,
tak perlu berkecil hati ketika di ujung hari kau yang dicari,
walau dengan puja-puji seribu janji,
agar ada nilai di akhir perjalanan.

ah sudahlah,
bukankah kata teramat berharga,
ketika orang tak mampu berkata,
bukankah perbuatanmu teramat berharga,
ketika orang tak mampu berbuat apa-apa,
ini negeri di atas seribu mimpi,
jika engkau terlelap habislah dimakan usia,
untuk itu minumlah secangkir kopi,
hilangkan gundah, hilangkan resah,
nikmatilah hidup dengan hirupan terakhir,
dan kau terjaga hingga senja.

Matangglumpangdua, 29 Januari 2018


deserted and a cup of coffee

in the quiet room,
relented too on me on the clock,
no need to sneak the pride shown,
no need to be discouraged when at the end of the day you are sought,
though with the praise of a thousand promises,
to have a value at the end of the trip.

Ah never mind,
is not the word very precious,
when people are unable to say,
is not your deeds valuable,
when people can not do anything,
this country over a thousand dreams,
if you are sleeping up,
for that drink a cup of coffee,
get rid of it, get rid of it,
enjoy life with the last breath,
and you're awake until dusk.

Matangglampduadua, January 29, 2018

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