Introduction Myself

Hello, hive community!

Nice to meet you all.
I am newbie here and I was not familiar with hive platform before. I noticed some of my friend use ecency and posted about hive community on Facebook. So I am interested and wanted to know about hive platform and started trying to learn about ecency. I already used ecency about 2months. I learned step by step about hive platform and posted a few post to understand the usage of ecency. But I am not yet introduce myself well. I thought it's time to introduce about myself.

Introduction Myself

Today I would like to introduce myself. My name is Thu Zar (Thoon). You can call me, Thoon or Thu Zar. But I like to call "Thoon" by myself. I am from Myanmar. I live in Yangon. My hometome is Kalaw and also known as Pine Land. I am 35 years old. I graduated from Technological University since 2011. I worked as an engineer about 12 years. I think time flies too fast.


I think I have many hobbies. I like to learn baking, taking the photos, listening the music, going to the short trip with my friends and learning new things such as software or languages.
The funny thing is, I wanted to become a fashion designer when I was a child. But I don't even know how to use a sewing machine. I promise myself, even I couldn't be a designer, oneday I will learn and made a dress for myself.


I love traveling and taking photos.
Here I'd like to share some of my photos.

I have been to Singapore, Japan and Thailand. Among them I love to visit in Japan. I love momiji (Japanese maple), sakura (cherry) and snow since my childhood. When I lived in Japan for 1year, many of my childhood dreams came true. I visited many parks to see momiji and Sakura. I went once to Nagano for skiing and saw many snow. That time was one of my best part of my life.

Here, I'd like to share some of my memories from Japan. All the photo I took its too long ago so their quality is not that good for now.


I want to share some of my baking photo too. Actually I learned the baking from youtube and Facebook. Only pizza and hamburger learned from online class.

This was my first baking bread so their shape is so funny.

I did some of my bread design by myself.

Whatever I baked (bread or cake), my family eat them all. I am so thankful.
I am interesting in baking but not for cooking. I can only cook random curry and easy fried vegetables. But it is not a problem for me, there is no one to complain me. Because I am the only one who eat them all. 🤭

Sorry I talked too much.
Let me conclude here. I will try myself to be a good member and try to improve myself. I wish one day I will become a person who can support the community like my senior members who help me a lot.

I will share some of my stories and memories in future too. I hope you enjoy and love it.

Have a nice day.
Thank you.


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