Hello Steemit !!! Finally!!!!!

Hello Steemians!

I find myself posting on Steemit right NOW as a result of the way my life has been going. In my early 20's I realized that something was wrong. After some searching and listening I have found many people and ideas that address what the problems are caused by, which led me to this.

Money is something that we use everyday to achieve our life goals. We need it just to exist. In fact I think there are even some jurisdictions that require you to have cash on your person or be guilty of a crime. So how do we go about getting some money? Most of us go to work and have a job of some sort. Some people have pile of cash sitting in a bank or some other "secure" place that they draw on as needed. I am of the variety that has a job to produce that money. I actually really enjoy the work that I do. Others are not as fortunate.

Imagine if you had the power to accept or reject work? Not just because you dislike it or maybe it is not the field in which you went to College for. Imagine if you did it for fun? Well I'm kinda doing that right now. I guess it got that way by accident. You see I have always had a very modest income. I wondered if there was a way for a man to be able to live within his means. Well I found a way. It took me a while but living off the grid has made it possible for me to feel maybe what people feel like when they retire and have their house paid for, except I have not worked long enough. My goal is to help people to understand and discover what living unconnected from the default settings and assumptions that we are born into this world with. Hopefully I can connect with others who want to do the same.steemit hello pic.jpg

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