My introduction on Steemit

Dear Steemian,

I’d like to introduce myself as a new member of Steemit. My name is Lucia and I’m 28 years of age. I live in The Netherlands and recently in the beautiful southern part of the country.

From an early age I was already fascinated with nature. Always wanting to be outside: playing in the woods, swimming in rivers and lakes, in search for mystical animals and exploring all that nature has to offer. Since I can remember, to me it has always felt as if everything in nature is alive and vibrating: from the cows and horses on the pasture, to the bees and birds in the air, to the trees and plants rising from the soil and to the rocks, sand and water covering the earth.
As a young girl I ones heard that the Indians have the belief that everything has a soul or spirit, an anima in Latin, including animals, plants, rocks, mountains, rivers, and stars. They believe each anima is a powerful spirit that can help or hurt them and are to be worshipped or feared or in some way attended to. This fascinated me and without any question felt to me like the truth. Growing older and wanting to know more about this belief, I found out that it is called ‘animism’.

Out of my passion for nature and my belief that nature is essential to all living beings on this earth (including mankind), I strongly felt the urge wanting to help preserve the ever decreasing nature that is left in the world. That is why a couple of years ago I decided to become an ecologist. Ecology stands for the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. To be able to be of some meaning for nature at this point in my life, feels as a great reward to me.

I strongly feel like sharing my experiences in my profession and my personal life with this community, so that I can reach a broader audience and that we can keep this world a beautiful place.

Thanks for reading my introduction post and feel free to contact me 😊

Kind regards,

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