I'm Just a Village Girl


The singles of the enlightened king looked tired ... he began to dim the light to welcome the twilight, and also I was reluctant to enjoy the bargaining to the unclean to the dense temaramnya. on the mattress with paper creaks scattered in sekeling, I recuperate to recover energy. Yes! ... although in the boarding room does not look beautiful, here quite comfortable at rest bubble ambition in the bubble cake.

My face begins to stretch across the dull ceiling, my eyes closed by imposing a beautiful nature that I can not find real.

Hose one hour, the owner of the soul raihkan hands. in his rime I rose from the bed. I reluctantly relinquish myself to enjoy a splendor that I find calm in it.

the sacred hijab begins to wrap, with both hands raised in qalbu languish to release the false hope ...

in favor of my favors with her. ring mesage summoned, to the fun it finally kututp greeting, soft whisper I inserted. "see you at the end of the sunset duhai the lovers heart ..."

Finally, I have the origin of the intruders. when I open ... there is a mother's name stamped from the sender of the message. "Ndo, emang miss, your mbah also start asking questions, why do not you ever go home? ... so busy is that student? To the extent the distance from the boarding house to the house Just half an hour there is never any free time to go home, go home samirah ... "

the curve of facial tendons began to become one. fruits gumal mimik both lips "heum ,,, if emak already pleading like this, I most do not have the heart to refuse". I pulled the finger on the letter key ... and send ... "yes mak, rub back home today"

Not long distances, with my favorite scoter, until I was in the corner of the district caruban. An area in my childhood, I still call the village ... because the streets if exposed to tears from the sky girl selallu perpetuate traces of objects. was also hentak the legs never silent in the jolly. But it seems age does not seem to run fast, my first land ground bilateral too.

wooden house engulfed in concrete, soft black rugs wrapped around the base of the wheel ride ,,,, ah ,,, the village evolved the city finally.

Get to the house. very cheerful in his welcome ...

"Must tired you ndo, wifehatlah first, already praying ashar?"
"Not too tired of mak, before come here sahat already pray ko"
"Yes already, there you go to the room first, then emak tell the mbak (housekeeper at home emak) make milk tea for you"

"No need mak, I make myself aja."

After making my favorite drink from my childhood, with my legs started to look at the uninhabited rooms, still unchanged ... the bedside bookcase, as well as the old doll my sleeping friend is still in place. But the house is soaring over the three years renovation lallu. Simple room style comfort my past also wiped out, renovation is very excessive for me, room like princess europe design. old beds either in dispose of where. now adorned a mattress with bad cover love pink beautiful, bathroom inside, and only with saut, si mbak bring various needs. Yes! ... the only remaining dolls and bookshelves.

"Ang (call of honor for kaka in this area) rubbish, in call emak" I jerked from the memory of my past room on the pleasure of my milk tea.
"Yes mbak, thanks soon I'm going to emak" I'm headed to my mother in the family room, there is emak relax watching TV with my father.

"Here nduk, watch TV together emak" grandmother begins conversation. I sat beside my mother, my father went away, either rushing to where, maybe finish a job.

"Ruby, adek mu jamil often ask, when are you going to get married ?! (the question I always hear finally comes out too) your adek lover seems urgent to marry "in this family I three brothers, I play the first child, jamil, and there is my youngest ado coco.

Jamil chose not to continue her education to high school. What did he make for school ?! End of the tip Just a complement to make a search for work. So instead of wasting time, it's better for him to pursue a career to raise money, the distance between me and jamil is not too far away. Only 2 years old, now aged 21. After junior high school in bekak emak a house, as well as department store.

"If you want to get married urgently, jamil precede even rubbish do not mind mak"
"Hust! .. pamali, especially you kaka woman, will not sell you (emak start advice myth area). If your girlfriend's decision how? When will he marry you? What's your girlfriend's name? "

"Mas pacul mak ..."
"Yes ,,, the hoe when will come here?"
"He is still busy mak college"
"When did he graduate?"

"Maybe three more years"
"Loh ?! Long time? Is not he three years older than you? "

"Yes mak, mas pacul terlallu busy in student organizations, so graduation somewhat menghambaat" hoe is a man mooring end of my queue, he comrades berdinamka from logic to conscience, a man who is very appreciative of traditional culture. Characters like him are very rare to meet from the intellectuals around me, all average averages of modernenism. An active man from a prominent university in the capital city (jakarta) the birth of jambi where he came from.
The same view, and personality is not much different, we are united because of it, in the perumakan also because my favorite tour around the area just to satisfy the curiosity akan mbudaya. A brief conversation, continuing Via IT, to this day.
Our meeting unfolds ...
"Why are you waiting for him who is not sure ?, ndo the woman is getting older the more unattractive. What else you could refuse some applications. Village women's norms should not refuse an application even you labrak ... smarter, you do not understand pamali ndo "
"Mak ... ngapunten (sorry) let the mirah determine the future"
"Never mind! ... make your college fast, then emak taught you how to earn money with entrepreneurship, it's faster you earn money from being a civil servant"
"Mak, I do not want to work! ..."
"Then then ?! What are you studying?! ,,, it's a shame, you get a high education but unemployed at home, if so wasted money once i send you high school, emak send you to school with hope someday you do not like emak, have to drain when earning a living later for your children "

"But mak ,,,,"

"Never mind, the more clever you have more reason for disebakan ngakantah emak, all that emak say it for your good later"

I'm disappointed with just emak, somehow change his mindset now, I lost my emak. He used to advise me how to serve his husband, he is a hard worker, the needs of this family household also apart from the father, emak also pursue entrepreneurship career. emakku Just primary school graduates, father also, as well as the way of view emak, in this village also very very rarely continue the education to university, or high school, they prefer to educate and work in big cities, just for building concrete -a magnificent concrete of a building like my house, if one were to continue in college too, he is a figure who nujumkan become big figures, yes ,,, minimally become a teacher.

In the inner silence begin to chant ... mak! ,,, I just want to be a woman (wani noto lan wani in toto / dare to arrange and dare in the arrangement) I do not have the same dreams to be big people that mak dreams. learn a lot of things and mbudaya each region, it just preparing to tell my children in childhood later ,,, my dream simple mak, I just want to really be a woman.

"Yes have mak, sincerely goodbye to room" emak silent unmoved.

In the room, I start to play remember my conversation with my beloved, I once revealed to him I do not want to work, I want to educate my children by instilling character in his age ,, observe his full pattern and be a friend of his curiosity. And I see my beloved smile. He said "yes and someday we will be just ordinary people ndo ,,, I agree with your dreams, if I allow you to work too may just open a shop at home, so you do not terlallu tired and make the house just a place to stop" I sanggat miss him at this time. In my sister, hands reach hp and send mesage ... "mas, I love you" started me back my body on the cyclical as well as the room much different.

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