New Entrapenuer here testing out my wings

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to run your own business? Do you have friends or colleagues doing their own thing? Have you ever felt that feeling of what it would be like to be independent?

Inspired by Ingenuity
Rene Gonzales, CEO

The Intro

My name is Rene Gonzales, I am the C.E.O. of Virtual-Enterprises. I have decided to re-invent myself and try to fly on my own. This is my second time at being self employed. My first attempt was a partnership. I know the odds are against me at being successful, but I am willing to take on those odds. At first it was an idea of being self employed. Sometime went by and realized I wasn't happy in corporate America. I don't know if it has to do with gaining more wisdom as you get older, or if you just wake up one day and realize things in corporate don't seem to resignate with you any more.

Ideas turned to reality

I graduated 13 years ago with a degree in Business/Management; that isn't important the only reason why I disclose this is because I am only empasing education here. I was in my career for 20 years and wore many hats. I had the privlidge of being a sales rep, sales manager, marketing manager, and operations supervisor. With these positions I was able to grow and gain skills that I continue to grow till this day. I wanted to do something different. So I decided to go back to school. My strategy for going back to school was to re-invent myself. I was preparing my self to make a major move.

The key is Education & Skill Building

I think now a days as I meet people as C.E.O. of my new company I noticed people seem to have forgotten about the importance of skill building. I think the majority work toward gaining a few skills and never bother to continue to build on them. I was the same way too, but something happened to me about 7 years ago. I began to open up the computer and start reading books that interest me. I started with my hobbies. Then I soon found myself spending a lot of time on the things I like to do.

Excerise the brian

So I decided to pursue my interest of technology and began studying, reading, and teaching my self computer programming. I registered and went back to school and quickly went through an I.T. program in my local area. I decided to quit my career I hated and let go of the cliff to see if I could fly on my own. My first attempt was a partnership and that was difficult to do. I know there are successful partnerships out there, but there are also a lot that find themselves in court over a defualt on on of the partners. This time I decided to go it alone. I am still studying late at night learning new programming technologies till this day.

Failure is not an option

I keep this saying in the back of my head as I wake up everyday, "Failure is not and option," in hopes that this will keep me motivated and strong when I feel like progress is not being made in great strides or when the phone is not ringing enough, or when personal bills are due and business oblligations need to be addressed or when it looks easier to go work for someone else. The biggest worry is having responsibilities to a family and not making means meet.

Plan A, B, & C

Have plans, back up plans, and back up plans for those back up plans. I do have a strategy in place and financial foundation to keep me a float as a buffer till I get my business going. Working a few extra jobs to make some supplemental income also is in place as well. So I tell people who meet me everyday, if i can do this everyday anyone can do it. They ask me how? I've been asked multiple questions. This is what I tell them:

There is nothing new to invent

I tell people who know me or have met me the first thing I did that I will never regret was I remember the day I turned off my TV and cut my cable bill. It was an akward feel for a few weeks. I then found my self with a lot of time on my hands. It is amazing to realize that we spend 4 hours watching a football game that does not mean anything directly to me, yeah i get it watch a football game everyonce in a while but you dont have to watch every game. I did miss my favorite TV shows in the beginning, then I realized after spending time reading or researching how to do something, or making something or learn a new skill I felt a great feeling I cannot explain, but the huge thing that has made a differnence in my life was I found those people I dreamed of becoming. So I started to emulate what they do. I am still emulating what they do till this day.

Less of me, more of you

My family attends church in our local community, there are a good number of things our pastor preached about that I will never forget, a few things I learned about going to church. I learned how to be a great Leader. People get all sorts of different things out of church, but my pastor preached the small things about leadership through the bible. So as business minded person I listen to his sermons every sunday and realized something very small that I think lots of people miss. I found my self motivated to help my local community and through our local church. I didn't think anything much of it in the beinining as something you do to be nice and help out, but I learned a tremendous amount by serving. Now most people don't understand what its like to be a leader. Some people are not up to the task, while others find themelves in this position succeed or fail, or fail trying to lead. What I have found by volunteering was serving others while leading. This was the secret formula toward being a great leader. When I left my coporate job my employees who worked under me made me feel special. I still miss them to this day, but I will never forget what a few of them told me. They loved having me as their boss. A few of them shared some kind words with me that they never told me before. Thats when i realized I demonstrated how to be great of a leader. One of my employees told me, "Mr. Gonzales, I just want to tell you before you leave that this team of 20 guys and 2 girls would have moved a mountain for you if we had to." I will never forget what that young man told me that day. Less of me, more of you.

Entreprenurial spirit still kicking

As of today I am still kicking its been about 7 months now being self employed. I offer services in web development, web deisgn, motion graphics, S.E.O., social media strategic implementation, digital imaging, analytics, consulting services, and jumping into blockChain technologies. You can find my work and information below. I know the odds are high, but I am willing to wake up everyday and try. I hope the best for other like minded individuals out there as well.

You can see my work on motion graphics on my youtube channel:

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I am at your service,
Rene Gonzales

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