Introduce my self

Hello Steemit community, I am still finding my feet (so to speak) on Steemit, the bots are a bit confusing, however I am sure that everything will come clear after a short while. I have certainly noticed the loyalty to steem by all of its members, this obviously paints a very good picture about the platform and its members.
My name is William Turner. I live in Australia on board a 50 foot steel yacht which I bought as a bare shell, I enjoy fitting it out and making it function well as a home. Alternative living you may of gathered is an interest. I do all of my own work on the boat, well so far, I have done, maybe with some things down the track I may seek help. I have solar and wind power for my electrical requirements and I am very interested in "Green" energy. I am interested also in Hydrogen fuel cells, and the "Green" energy that can be produced from the water in the oceans I will be sailing in. Basically these fuel cells use electricity to split the seawater back into the gases Hydrogen and Oxygen, and these gases are then used in conjunction with the diesel to power the 8.1 litre diesel engine the boat is fitted with. I am interested in many subjects, Cryptocurrency's also are something I am interested in and its through my investments and research in crypto that I have found Steemit. I hope one day to become a published author also. I am working on my first book which I begun many years ago. This has been quite a mission for me to date, and I first needed to work upon my reading and writing, learning to spell correctly. I have many more interests also and will introduce them as time goes by. I am looking forwards to my Journey within Steemit

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