Introducing Myself... Better late than never ;)

Hello everybody, i am Trixie! 

I am from the heart of England, 25 years old and currently on year number 4 of living full time on the beautiful island of Ibiza. Most people think that theres absolutely nothing to do on this small island in the winter, and there right! Thats a part of the reason i joined steemit! haha. joking. But i seem to find things to do, this place is full or artists and shamans when the tourists and party people have fled. 

By trade i am a experienced hair colourist/stylist, i worked in salons and on sets and behind the scenes at catwalks and shows for a huge part of my life. I started to become tiresome of this life style around the age of 21. Spending 6 days a week in salon or on set was not the picture i was trying to paint for myself. And also being a young aspiring musician it does not leave much time for personal creativity! I still maintain a love and a passion for hairdressing, and session styling but this can wait for now, i have bigger things to attend to for the time being and they would be music!

My great grandfather Brian thought it was extremely important that i learn how to play instruments, he first taught me how to play some songs on the organ, piano, guitar, and finally i inherited a clarinet and there we go. That was my instrument! I learned this instrument for some years, perfecting it and playing to my family and friends and in my orchestra. I even ended up playing with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra for one show when i was about 12 years old. Of course like everything at that age, things fade, interests weaken and you find new things you like.. boys for example, fashion, dance music! Its safe to say i quit the clarinet, i still keep it to this day and can still play but i discovered dance music, something i felt that truly passed through my veins. My dad is and was a very young dad at the time, he and my mum liked raves, gay parties, dancing all night. I mean.. I was born in 92, I some what grew up inside the rave era! 

So as of 13, i was sneaking out to illegal forest raves, making after parties with dj's, travelling to every event i could in-between school and then hairdressing college. Its a crazy beautiful thing life, when  you know you have fire in your heart to be something and learn something life sets you up in the most magnificent ways. She meets you with people who benefit you, who you bounce off and connect with and help you in your path! I met an incredible woman, just by cutting her hair is how we met. She had been a DJ for many years and had recently had a stunning little girl and she pretty much passed me on all of her DJ knowledge. I have been a DJ now for almost 10 years, how crazy is that. 

In 2013 i did a season here in ibiza, i was actually secretly working in a strip club part time and trying to get gigs here. Because of course, everybody who you meet in ibiza is a DJ! The summer of 13 i met a girl while i was at a party deep in the forest but at the highest point of ibiza called Sa Talaia. The girl i mets name is Kirsty, we didn't really get along at first it was kinda awkward, i just looked at her like 'your so cool' and vise versa. It wasn't til the following days when she asked me to go party with her again we really spoke! I found out she loved playing music too, on vinyl too! So thats what we did, we played records for hours and hours and hours. 

In 2014 we created JADA, our name as a duo, and we have been a duo since! We play back to back at all of our gigs and have done extremely well for ourselves not only in ibiza, but internationally! We are now part of an agency and have some big festivals coming up 2018 not to mention the amazing gigs booked. 

I am now at a turning point in life, of where to live and why. Ibiza is a great place, but opportunity wise it lacks! In summer its great but thats only 4 months of every year so London is calling! I have just applied to do my bachelors in audio production and im hoping to make a little cash on here to put towards my savings!

I hope you enjoyed my somewhat brief introduction, and if you would like to listen to our music please follow the soundcloud link below!

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