Introducing...the Unicorn with 7 Kids to Steemit


Thank you for taking your time to read about me, Sweet Sarcasm.

First and foremost, you have @Giftedgaia to blame for all of the upcoming posts on Steemit through my account. This kind gentleman introduced me and ran through the ins and outs of how the website works. He also informed me of how therapeutic it is for someone else to actually read what you write. I’ve been doing it all wrong for years writing on paper.


I am a single white female, I am also a unicorn. A unicorn, as I found out recently, is a single female who has no children. But I do have 7 children living with me, does that still make me a unicorn?


My home is very organized.

Toy buckets, rules posted on walls, a chore and laundry schedule for all of the older kids, the list goes on. I’ve had two years to try and “perfect” a system for my 7 sibling nieces and nephews.

Signs to Hang- Awesome Teeth Chors.jpg

These amazingly unique kids, ranging from age 4-15 have become my every day since December 2015. I tell everyone, "They keep me on my toes" but the truth is that...I keep them on their toes too.

About me:

Starting at a young age I enjoyed helping others reach their full potential. I tutored kids in 2nd and 5th grade, I took Early Childhood Development for two years in high school. Outside of school, at 11 years old I owned "Mary Poppins Babysitting Service" where I tutored kids at the local community center and had regular babysitting clients. In my 20's I worked at the YMCA as a Before and After School Director, beyond that I helped several small companies grow using "smarter, not harder" tactics and helped many companies get established on the internet.

Trust, it matters.

At age 17 I became the opening manager at McDonalds. I know this doesn't sound very impressive but they counted on me to open the store, supervise five employees, maintain the safe, count drawers and make deposits. When I told them I was leaving to become an entrepreneur, they offered to give me a raise, to which I replied, "What about all of the other managers".
In my 20's my boss left the country to hang out with a new guy in her life, never said anything about leaving and didn't say a word for two weeks. I ran the business as usual. When she got back she got rid of her office space and moved her entire jewelry business into my home. If you were curious, they didn't end up tieing the knot.
And now in my 30's my brother and his wife have entrusted their 7 kids to me.

Business Me:

I've worked from home most of my adult life; my resume is quite impressive, especially when you are your own boss. ;p

I owned a small DJ business from 2009-2015. I started the business on credit, began working weekly karaoke events in bars, worked my way to Corporate Events and stepped up to Weddings and Receptions. It wasn’t long before I was booking events a year in advance. I had an arsenal of equipment from speakers to up-lighting. As the owner I handled all of the tedious tasks: Marketing, Event Planning, Finances, Music/Lighting/Sound. I did everything which was fun and difficult all at the same time :)


This was a very fun and rewarding job but being a Wedding DJ wasn’t exactly my passion.

My passion is Making The World A Better Place.

When my Dad came to me with a web project in Oct 2013 called Writers Opinion, I was excited. The concept of the website was to provide a news outlet where users could become writers, creating unique content. Any user could then go into a forum copy attachment of the article to make suggestions. Reliable content would rise while bias content would fall. This featured a built in system that would track every change made to an article. With my 10 years of Search Engine Optimization/Webmaster experience I brought it to life and it became my biggest business passion to date.

The website itself is inactive but fully functional:


When you’re passionate about something the creativity never ceased. I woke up at 5am excited to dive back in everyday, new ideas and concepts were plentiful. It was a great feeling through the accomplishments and barriers.

When I got a call...

about my nieces and nephews needing permanency, my world stopped. At the time I was helping out at an elderly care facility, a very rewarding experience if the opportunity arises in your life. I decided to take the Admin Assistant job that I had been poked with to help offset $$$, I stopped DJing and put WritersOpinion on hold. A lot of people have come to me and said, “you’re a saint”. In reality, it really wasn’t even a question in my mind, I just did what needed to be done.

Fast-forward to now. Well, I could Not have anticipated all of the things that happened over these two years. It’s incredible to find out what you’re capable of when diving in head first. Not to say that I didn’t fall flat on my face at times. Answering questions like, “why can’t we go home with Mom and Dad”, every single week. Trying to understand the trauma these kids had been through and realizing the help they needed to get through it. Learning their different needs, desires and what makes them happy… HOWEVER, if you have a doubt, the struggle of all those things and more still only leads to the results I see today! Which is incredible for an Auntie who sees some amazing kids who are going to do great things for their generation.

And the lesson at the end of the day is realizing just how much we are capable of if we’re willing to step out of our comfort zone.

Another lesson is fatherhood.

I am so blessed to have such an amazing friend / role model to call my Father. Don’t forget, you are a role model to people in your life!

What about SOS?

One of my passions in writing has been relationships. I've had 4 long-term relationships and tend to think I have a lot of answers but perhaps it's simply insight into my overly empathetic world...IDK. We can get into that later, you be the judge.

What you can expect from Sweet Sarcasm?

Some sarcasm perhaps?

Posts: Inspiring, realistic, from the heart. Including updates about these kids struggles - milestones we embrace / my take on life issues and relationships / Good recipes you can taste through the screen
Business / Finance / Marketing Related topics: Sharing knowledge to help others become successful as an entrepreneur.
Contests: I have some great ideas burning in my mind with “profit sharing opportunities for a good cause” in the Steemit community. I might need to pick a few brains to see what’s possible.

A huge Thank You to @GiftedGaia for being awesome and helping me get started on Steemit.


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