Guess I should introduce myself, so here is my intro to the community! (Story time from a newbie)

Hi all,

My name is Josh, but I go by Sensatus here on the interwebs, I am an 18 yr old (yes I am but a wee laddy) student studying molecular biology and genetics, with a minor in astrophysics. I have always been interested in technology, and as such using this wonderful tool we call the internet, I have become a self-taught programmer and have been building websites, managing servers, databases and doing cybersecurity freelancing for people for a couple of years now.

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What I am doing at the moment is probably way out of my normal MO, you could say that it is because I am not the most social media savvy individual. In fact, I do not operate any form of social media, and honestly I did not feel the urge to... that is, until 3 months ago when I first decided to take some of my paltry savings and invest in an ethereum. That one ethereum has since allowed me to start accumulating more and more crypto(and more recently hoarding a lot of Steem), giving me some money that as a newly minted college student has allowed me to take a more optimistic look at my future. About 2 months ago I discovered a little aforementioned coin named Steem, curious about it I decided to take a gander and Google it. To my surprise what I found was a pretty cool little(but ever growing) site that felt nothing like Facebook or Instagram, which I had long scorned. And as such, after a month of debate with myself, I decided that maybe this new frontier would be good for me, because lets be honest what is cooler than a blockchain backed social media platform! So here I am, and after a month I am already glad that I decided to join this community.


So for a while now I've been stuck in a rut, being unable to find work, I have decided that I should create my own, and lucky enough for me, I have the internet. Thus, I have decided to share some of the lessons and skills I have accumulated over my life, and I think this platform might be the best place for me to do so. I have benefitted from others knowledge on here, and as is the way things work, I think I should reciprocate. As such, I am planning on releasing a three-time a week blog, on world news, cybersecurity news/tips and tricks, possibly a weekly health guide for those who are interested in such a thing, and of course, lots and lots of memes. I know it might take a couple of months, or a year, but I think this might be a good path for me to take.

For those who made it through this whole mess, here is a pic of an adorable puppy.

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If you would like to see my future posts please follow me or upvote this post (whichever you choose or none at all!)

If you think a semi starving college student deserves some caffeine, and you are crazy/successful enough to afford it, you can donate to:

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