First post: an introduction, and a look at #Galactic-Milieu assets


Annapolis Royal Crypto is hoped to be a co-operation of crypto folk in the Annapolis Royal area, with an initial bias toward low-capital folk and low-capital coins in which very very small players can make a real difference.

We are also into Play-to-Earn, mostly in the #Galactic-Milieu.

For the convenience of folk who are not into the more technical things such as running their own full-blockchain clients or installing their own copy of the HORIZON client (blockchain and all), we expect to mostly focus upon the STELLAR platform, not only with Stellar Lumens themselves but also with some of the #Galactic-Milieu tokens shown at

We also make use of the "Latest Rates include-file" published at because the "treasury based assets" system used by the #Galactic-Milieu to calculate the values shown there (shown, by default, in DeVCoins) seems in the long term a rather sensible system, one in fact that Facebook later proposed when it was thinking of releasing a cryptocurrency of its own.

Basically what the #Galactic-Milieu does to come up with those "Latest Rates" is add up the total value of each asset's "treasury" and divide that total by the number of coins or shares minted. Thus it in effect turns the #Galactic-Milieu's treasury-based assets into a kind of "stablecoins", providing the Milieu with a way of arriving at a sensible in-game value of each asset that does not depend upon having enough players "playing the markets" across all pairs of assets for values to be "discovered" by watching how the markets play out.

A nice (for long term players at least) side-effect of this approach is that when such assets are market-paired against "extremely cashable" assets such as the Stellar Lumen (XLM), BiTCoin (BTC) or the various popular dollar-based "stablecoins", there is often a dumping tendency, resulting in some of these assets often being available at highly discounted prices on such markets as compared to their "actual calculated value" calculated by the game based on their actual "treasury" holdings.

A lot of these assets also fall into the category of assets in which very very small-scale players can make a real difference. It is not at all unreasonable to expect that even a relatively small number of local "Annapolis Royal Crypto" folk will prove able to make a significant difference in how some of these assets fare.

Well that is probably enough for an initial intro. Thanks for reading, and if you are in the Annapolis Royal area and interested in actual physical meet-ups get in touch through commenting here and we'll go from there. :)

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