Tabi-tabi po. Superstitious beliefs Filipino embrace.

MGa Tuo-Tuo or Superstitious Beliefs in the Philippines.

Philippines is home to many superstitious beliefs which existed years and years ago and up to the present. People traditionally, find it hard to quit believing so basically, these beliefs were passed from their ancestors to their descendants.

                                                      Let's take a look at some.

When you accidentally break a glass on Friday, bad luck is on their way to get you!
Always keep in mind, break it on any days but avoid breaking it on Friday. LOL

Do you love Cat? Well, many believe that when you come across with a black cat, surely something unpleasant will occur!

So be careful when choosing a pet's color when you're considering a cat! You wouldn't wish to see it often!
When your debtor pays the money through the window, that money will bring you unlucky outcomes!
Even in this technological world, this belief is still embedded in traditional Filipinos.

Prior to your wedding, you are not allowed to fit in your wedding gown, otherwise you will die!
In this day and age, people are overly excited when talking about weddings. They couldn't keep their butt in place. Brides are thrilled and eager to try on their wedding gowns and see if it fits them beautifully. Antecedents and those who are remotely more traditional than your grandparents will always remind brides prior to the wedding to not to fit in the dress because the result might be tragic.

Cutting nails in the evening means wishing a family member to die!
People are so busy nowadays that cutting one's nails is done at night but when you are part of a family full of superstitious beliefs, you can think again!.

When there are only three people in the picture, the one at the center will die.
Taking a photo is commonplace. Most of the people love to take photographs or want to be photographed, however, when there are just three of you in the frame, would you still like it,
When you are all male in the family, your mother will die!
A large family is not new in the Philippines, but when all children are all male, it's unfortunate for the mother. She will be overpowered by the male's domination in the number of the family. By strength, spiritual, she will be weathered. So, planning to build a family? Make sure you get a girl and not just all boys. Hehe.

When the tip of your nose gets always sweaty, you are full of jealousy!
Everybody gets jealous, it's either on the person or objects people have. eWe can hide that emotions deep within yet in the Philippines, it reflects on the tip of your nose. You can check yours later. Lol

When you lose your direction, switch your slippers or reverse your shirt and you'll find your way!
When you lose your way, you'll definitely lose your composure and panic. Thanks to the new technology like google map, you can navigate and find the way back. But as part of the long traditional belief, when you are in a remote place such as in a mountainous area or in the middle of the forest where google is nowhere to reach, just take your shirt off and wear the other face.

When you dream of a feces, you will be fortunate and money will surely come!
What a gross way to think of an assurance that you can absolutely gain fortune by dreaming of a feces. It's certainly the last thing you want to dream about, however, dreaming of that in the Philippines can mean money. You can be lucky of anything you do right after dreaming it, you can gamble and win or you might find it in any other way.

Put a coin in between your knees when you are being interviewed.
Certainly, interview is never an easy thing. You feel all the sensations and emotions. You feel your nerves jolting, your hands sweating and trembling and so on, however, putting a coin in between knees ease the tension and make you feel confident. WoW.

These are just common and amusing superstitious beliefs in the Philippines. Some are still believed by many especially, people in the rural or countryside.
Thank you so much for reading.!

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