Today is your interview, dress to impress?

Job interview is the key to a job security. It is expected of you to make a good first impression with the way you dress. It is the key element that gets you the job. You had submitted an application earlier, now you have been called. It is very essential that you dress accordingly. With the rate at which job security is getting tougher these days, you would not want to ruin your first shot to get your dream job by dressing below standard. Research has it that interviewers have their minds made up about an applicant during the first fifteen seconds of the meeting.


  • It is very essential that you dress appropriately and that includes dressing in a formal attire even when the company is a casual one. The colors of your dress should be cool and not too loud. Clothes should be neatly ironed and without wrinkles. If you cloth is wrinkled, it automatically labels you someone that is shabby at work. Your shoes must be neatly polished and looking traditional.

  • The hair must be trimmed and the bears shaved for men, while the women should tie up their hair properly. No flashy jewelry should be worn by women and make up should not be a heavy one. Proper use of perform is advisable as you don't want to make a sensitive interviewer feel uncomfortable with too much body perfume. The men should go preferably with a jacket and tie while the blazer and skirt is most prefered for women. The buttons of every cloth must be checked for a missing one or some other loopholes. You should look good in your attire as it sends a bad image when it is too tight or too large.

  • Be bold and show confidence as it helps to make a good impression. Preparing well can give you self confidence. Always search for information and profile of the job and company you are applying for as it helps you to familiarize yourself with their mission, ther statements and objectives. Check JABCON and for more jobs. Make research about the Managing Director or the CEO as it helps your conversation interestingly during the interview process.

  • Do not go to the interview with bad breath. Remember to brush your teeth before the interview. Avoid taking substance like the alcohol and cigarette before the interview. When all these are perceived by the interviewer, it automatically labels you as irresponsible

Dressing to impress your interviewer does not mean you have to dress like that everyday if you eventually are picked for the job. It is just the general that sets an impression for you. The whole point of this is to make a good first impression and a good impress lasts long.

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