First Impression Rose

Screenshot 2017-12-22 at 00.31.37.png

What do you think about when you see this picture? Is it a movie? A TV show? Or is it a memory of an old love?

Soooo, you've officially clicked on my post. Was it because you're excited for the new season of The Bachelor? Or is it because you were curious about what the heck I meant by "First Impression Rose"?? The truth is,

IT DOES NOT MATTER .. What matters is that you're here, and I'm here. Somehow and in some weird way your universe aligned with mine and mine with yours. It's overwhelming to think about all of the little things that had to happen in order for me to be here and you to be there. I am going to tell you a little bit about what lead me here, to this very moment, writing this very post.

My name is Alejandra Angulo.

I am a 21 year old college student living in California. My story began in Mazatlan, Mexico which is where I was born. I lived in Mexico until I was nine years old. I then moved to Brownsville, Texas for a couple of years before finally moving to CA. I've gone to middle school, high school, and college here in CA so it is safe to say that I am a Katy Perry California Girl (except for not at all but we will just pretend for the sake of my bad jokes). I recently got out of a relationship that taught me a lot about myself, but that is a long story for a different day. Some fun facts about me are that I LOVE camping, studying the earth, and cuddling with my baby named Cleo (not an actual baby but the kind with claws, fur, and pointy ears). I am excited to meet new people and contribute to this new community of Steemers.

Now that I have blabbed about myself for a whole paragraph and probably lost every one of my readers, I would LOVE if you could tell me a bit about how your universe brought you here because I do not believe in coincidences.

PS I'm pissed about the choice for the Bachelor but it OK because I am probably still going to watch the entire thing bc that's whats wrong with me and the rest of America.

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