New Money by way of the Internet ~ Excepting Change

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Well, it's definitely a whole new ball game when it comes to making that dollar these days. With technology along side this's not that old money for sure. You know back in the day, Old Money was handed down, inherited upper-class families. More likely to be refined, stuck-up, snobbish, disciplined, influential yet have a low profile, save & invest their wealth.

Whereas New Money, is newly acquired wealth from the likes of the dotcom era, professional sports or entertainment fame. Personality more casual down-to-earth, hip, a bit flashy, socially conscious, spends a little more time openly activist then their old school counter part.

Whether you're OLD or NEW money, communities are boosting all types of fresh ways to earn money using today's internet technologies as a means to achieve wealth today. Not to mention digital investments, freelancing, tutoring, graphics, programming, ghost writer, selling stuff online and even blog writing.

I have to admit that when I started out even though I had a background in sales….incidentally in electronics.  I was a bit blind and under educated to all the misconceptions, advances and growth of what the internet could do.

I did however; understand that I wanted a business. You have to get this first! Whether it's internet marketing, MLM, a home based business opportunity or online investment, it's a business. Treat it like's was that simply!

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What influenced me most was this emerging technology.....this Internet. I wasn’t trying to find a way out of working. One will truly fail in life if they believe that there are ways to build wealth and not work for it. I just wanted a way to work that would fit into my lifestyle. Most know I’m a single parent father. He was 16 months old then, now a teenager. Urg teenagers!  LOL (Love him with all heart though).  Anyhow, I just wanted to be there whenever my child needed me.  Life has many avenues, to many paths and I wanted to make sure I am there to keep him abreast.  In reality, it was not about making lots of money, admittedly, that is secondary. But first and foremost is the way I want to spend my time. Working from home using the technology available was that answer. 

It amazes me the staggering number of opportunities that have sprung up over the years. Some have potential; most will fall short of their intended purpose & goal.

As I mentioned earlier, we live today in a society that has become fast paced. Most everything we do, we have got to have it now or within that time frame. Next-generation 5G wireless access, microwave oven, instant meals, so many fast food joints that when I do want to eat out I can’t make up my mind. 

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Change, and what a change it has been.  The world has change in such a big big way. Maybe even a bit to fast..........

Desktop computers have become lap-tops which have emerged as tablets.  Cell-phones are now Smartphones and can literally replace any lap-top/tablet. 

Another example of change is how we do business transaction aka “Commerce”.  If you look around, you see that physical shopping in the business sense has evolved into “e-commerce”.  E-commerce the buying and selling of products & services, along with the transfer of funds through digital communications.


Most people snub off change or are simply slow to adapt it's evolution.  Why is this……when even as human being we change over time? Out of the womb, we double our weight inside a months’ time. Crawling turns to standing as we begin to walk. We run, jump then learn to ride bikes, skateboards, and roller-blades eventually learning to drive automobiles. But we didn’t stop there, we learn to master aircraft's and soar to the highest possible skies through space as astronauts. 

We have to except the fact that change is inevitable. And we have to think in different ways when it comes to creating wealth these days aka your mobile internet business, your job is to keep up.

Internet technology is always evolving. As a consequence this technology enables those with say, less than stellar expertise, to perform critical steps in their pursuit of success in their online endeavors. This technology can assist someone with minimum skills, yet has the passion & desire to accomplish a task that otherwise limit or even crush ones goal.

See whether you’re young, just starting out, baby boomer, senior citizen or even from a different country. Understanding internet technology as it pertains to your online success will assist in that pursuit.

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The internet is an community. This is a time where one can think of contacting/networking with someone from across the globe within an instant. Enabling entrepreneurs to compete with ANY business on a level playing field. Many businesses, long established or newly formed alike have made the internet a key revenue generating medium. With billions of dollars transacted online annually. Internet technology gives the business entrepreneur that much more of an opportunity to collect their share of the world’s commerce.

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