10 The Terrible Mysteries Of The World Of Maya Can Make You Stop Online


How are you guys steemit ....
The Internet has now become a common need for humans, but like a two internet-based blade can be used for positive and negative things.
Well ... this time I will discuss the internet mystery that must be negative.
Let's keep going ...

The internet is full of weird and mysterious things. Most are indeed shared in social media and get a heavy response until it becomes viral. But it turns out there is an oddity out of hidden reason in the internet, which can make you reluctant to online again. Anything? Here are 10 of them!

1. Video of a specialist outbreak.

The Gadgetzz website sends a strange video by the end of 2015. It shows a doctor with an anti-plague mask who is doing strange things in an abandoned building. When first uploaded, the video fetches binary numbers that after translating turn out to mean "death". Inside the video there is also a code location of the White House of the United States, chess movements and other threatening messages.

2. E-mail from the spirits.

In 2011, Tim Hart encountered an oddity in his e-mail inbox. There was a message from a friend named Jack Froese who read, "Did you hear me? I'm at your house. Clean your attic!" Jack had died before the date of delivery of the e-mail. Tim admitted that before Jack died, he had visited his attic and commented on how messy. Only Jack and Tim know about it. But when Tim asked all the family and people closest to Jack, no one had access to Jack's online accounts.

3. Webdriver Torso.

A YouTube page airs in September 2013 with the name Webdriver Torso. This account uploads videos every minute of every day, most of which is 11 seconds long. The video only contains the wake-up red and blue boxes followed by a strange beeping sound. There is no detailed explanation of this collection of videos, some conspiracy theorists have linked them with "stations" used in the Cold War to contact spies. Google declared in 2014 that this is just an account to test the quality, but netizens are very skeptical and assume that this account must have a hidden hidden purpose.

4. NASA Piracy.

In 2002, Gary McKinnon conducted a study of the existence of aliens. He took desperate measures by hijacking NASA access. McKinnon found a desktop connection hook that was not password protected at all. He found a collection of photographs of flying objects in the sky. When the NASA workers noticed, access was blocked, it was clear that NASA did not want the collection to be seen by the public. The authorities were eventually ordered to arrest McKinnon for allegedly damaging government facilities. But no one can prove the allegations, so McKinnon is free from legal bondage.

5. A858.

A858 is one of the most confusing subreddit in Reddit. This page is dedicated to long codes that are written in hexadecimal form (one type of computer programming). many Reddit users struggle to translate these codes. A858 uploads appear daily and only a few can be translated. When solved, the codes mostly turn out to be a random phrase or something trivial. There is still a lot of unresolved code, but the existence of this A858 from the beginning is a mystery.

6. The new currency unit.

Bitcoin is the dream of conspiracy theorists, because it could potentially change the total paradigm of the economy that has been running up to now. With no rules and transactions that are anonymous, this form of currency unit makes the central bank so seemingly useless. It will also create freedom and privacy for sellers and buyers. It turns out that Bitcoin is also a crime tool. Primarily this currency unit is also used for transactions on "Dark Web" or "Deep Web".

7. Anonim (anonymous).

Groups that claim to be "piracy activists" have become famous for the past few years. They wear Guy Fawkes mask as identity. They say they will attack all those who need to get rewards for what they do, from big companies to bad ones. They also briefly attacked the ISIS website and forced the close of all similar bad websites. The headquarters of its members is very secret, because there are no members of the katif known to the public.

8. Deep Web.

Many people are not aware of this existence. But exploring behind your browsers is the majority of the actual internet. The term "Deep Web" is for 80% of internet content that can not be accessed by ordinary browsers. Stories about Deep Web can be found on Reddit, Youtube and many more sites on the internet. Inside are many secret illegal activities from deadly Bitcoin bets, child pornography, assassins and the sale of humans or their organs. Never try to access it unless you are prepared to risk that your life will not be the same again.

9. Web Mariana.

It is one of the Internet's greatest legends and it says even deeper or darker than Deep Web. His name is given inspired from the Mariana Trench, the deepest marine ravine in the world. This part of the internet is almost not accessible to anyone and its existence is still considered speculation. Inside is information about aliens and Atlantis, the lost continent. To access the Mariana web, a Polymeric Falcighol Derivation equation that is dependent on quantum computers is required. This quantum computer itself is still in question, which is why Mariana's web is almost impossible to access, except by some elites. But if indeed the information on the web Mariana darker and deeper than Deep Web so well should stay buried deeply.

10. Cicada 3301.

One of the most astonishing mysteries on the internet is Cicada 3301. Originally known on the internet in 2012, Cicada 3301 uploaded a line out of a Cicada moth image with a message. The contents of the message: "Hello We are looking for someone very intelligent To find it, we ask a test There is a message hidden in this picture Find the message and it will take you to find us.We wait while some of you find us . Have a good fight!". Many people are trying to solve it. Each year these guidelines will be added, except 2015. The problem is that these instructions are in the open that require them to move away from their gadgets. These physical instructions are scattered all over the world and they must be found to be able to solve them. None of this has worked.


How about steemit friends ??
Do you dare to surf the net more deeply? Or is it enough what you see daily in social media and browser content in general? Yes it is yes, do not invite trouble. Because accessing things like mentioned above is very risky.
And do not forget to upvote and comment you guys steemit ...

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