VPN - what is it to use, how to use it?

Lately, it often happened that I was getting VPN queries, because I rarely published the statuses on Facebook or tweets about my use of it (enthusiasm, simplicity).

This will not be text with expert expressions. What is important is to clarify first:

  1. What is VPN?
  2. Do you need anything at all?
  3. How is it used?
  4. How much does it cost and how to set it to work?

People who are professionally dealing with information technology, computer networks, etc. they tend to use a lot of professional expressions that are common to ordinary people (mostly) incomprehensible. Engineers, technicians mainly deal with how it works, it works and from this aspect, this is very understandable because these vocal expressions sometimes combine several activities, settings, the way they work, etc.

What is VPN?

VPN - Virtual Private Network is most simply said: Your virtual private network. This means that you use the Internet as an infrastructure in which to create a separate, well protected tunnel through which data is being transmitted, and which only you can have access to.

What is the purpose? (and some personal experiences)

Long time ago I started working from home or I had a so-called home office. Since the data I use, complete e-mail, files, access to business applications and software ... are on our servers, a logical question has arisen. How do I get all these data when I'm not physically connected to a local network or not for a computer at the firm? It was unbearable times that I was going to go to the field, meeting, and that I needed to get some file, contract. I know, I know, it's easy for me, I have colleagues, so they set it all up nicely. However ... (Q7GMM6MG4CWY)

What about phone calls? The client calls the central station, the answering machine comes in and what? Leave him no. My home phone? Yes, we all have mobile! And how with colleagues and calling the premises inside the company? So exactly the same! With the help of IP telephony (VoIP, I write a post and on this subject) completely identically communicate, phone, switch me to the most normal my phone line no matter where physically I am! Is not that great! And the cost of telephony, as well as costs, time ... are something we need to keep in mind.

VPN primarily serves those who are moving a lot or who often work from home and have the need to download data from a "main" computer that is not in that location. The most important thing is that when connecting to your VPN enter your username and password, log in, access your database and retrieve content.

On the other hand, this means that the main computer must be turned on, that is, when you are not home or in the firm. For example, you have a desktop computer, laptop or netbook (these are small to 10-12 inches) and live in Tokyo. Leave the included computer, go to New York to hold a meeting, you need a contract that you forgot - simply attach to VPN and - a thing resolved.
In the picture above, you can see the screen shot of my desktop. When I'm on the ground or at home, I access the Internet, I simply click on the "vpn" icon and download the company information I need. In addition, I have the ability to make calls, call diverts, calls, missed calls, messages etc ...

VPN is more convenient for legal persons, but also a legal person can be a single person but also a classical so-called natural person. You have a small company, more employees, you go on terrains, you have computers in the office, but commercials should work smoothly. Why would you sit back in the car, knock back to the company to get what you forgot when you can do it all over the internet? It is important to note that with yourself it is also desirable that you have any portable comp.

What does all of the equipment need?

As you could figure it out yourself, the first thing you need is to have access to the Internet. You need a computer or a place where you hold the data and from where you will download them, the router (server) settings. When I say router / server I mean in this case just on the router.

The server does not have to be a classic desktop / computer at all. The server is actually a special purpose computer (performing computational operations) that serves other computers / clients, or devices - that's the way of functioning, not the name of a computer. So in this case it can be set up that the router "plays" the role of the server. As far as the router is concerned, it's important to have multiple ports (multiple computers can be connected to it) and support VPN (it's written on each box and you ask the vendor where you buy it, they all have longer warranties).

How does it work?

Simply: When you buy all the necessary equipment (you may already have and you do not know), you contact a firm in which you trust, an IT guy who is understood in computer networks and their software solutions - to set up.

The setting can also be done remotely! For example: you live in USA, someone from Australia can ALLOW, but it is important that you allow him access to his main computer (the one from which you plan to download the data). Remote access to the computer is done through the so-called "remote control" or even better GUI.

The essence is that before we buy anything, we first see if we need it at all! What is he doing, what are his options, whether he pays off, what do I get? VPN can be set regardless of the number of users. More users - more investment, more expensive equipment. Here I have presented only one example because I was usually just physical faces ie friends, asked the acquaintances. What I know from my personal experience is that I have been using VPN as well as VoIP for several years, that I am completely relieved, that I work faster, better, more efficient. No limits

...and I hope this post was not much in the R2D2 style. All in all, for some 200 EUR you can solve your own problem and on the other hand you have a completely free infrastructure, ie the internet.

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