How to eliminate the dependence of internet usage?

The development of technology is now very advanced and widespread. Technology is getting more sophisticated in various items. Various technologies have evolved to address the best. Starting from transportation technology to information technology. This makes human life so easy. With the advent of the internet, information systems have grown tremendously.

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Now everyone is familiar with information such as internet. The presence of smart phones has made everyone enjoy the convenience of the internet. Ranging from children to adults using the internet. Currently any information can be obtained easily. Starting from how to cook for housewives to how to do homework math for school students.

The Internet has certainly brought a very rapid development in the field of information technology. However, the ease of obtaining the information turned out to be bad for students. The most obvious impact is the internet can make students become lazy and even tend to do plagiarism. By simply using the internet, anything can be copied from the internet. Of course this is not good.

How can children no longer have dependence on the internet? Here are some things to try.

Start With One Day Without The Internet

At some stage, dependence on the internet should be cured with therapy. The basic therapy to eliminate dependence on inteenet is to keep or restrict internet usage. One of the best ways to adapt with one day without internet. This method can make the child will find other interesting things from the internet. Until he is used to and can play without a tool.

Read Books Online

Although on the internet a lot of information is there but the book still holds a role in the world of literacy. Reading books regularly can also be a therapy for children to eliminate a sense of dependence on the internet or smartphone. The information contained in the book certainly more complete and more orderly. Encourage the child to regularly read books so as not to depend on the internet.

Play With Friends

The most destructive thing of the internet is the loss of social feeling in children. With the smartphone or the internet, children will be less interacting with other children. It's very dangerous. If children are less interacting with each other then the social and humanistic souls may not arise. Therefore advise your child or your students to play with friends.


Camping without electronic devices is the most sensible way to do therapy in children who feel dependent on the internet. When camping of course there is no internet or smartphone. This will make the child interact with others. Plus when camping there is no internet network. Try this very well.

That's some way that can be done so that children no longer feel dependent on internet and wifi network. Good luck.

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