Steemit as a Troll Educational tool

      One of the many unexpected facets of Steemit among many others but I will focus only on this one in this post, it's the fact that it's working like an educational tool for at least few of us but as You will see the benefits are for all of us. If You are going to displease Steemit for anything You choose just and only this very aspect should be more then enough to make You say: I AM GONNA STAY HERE FOR GOOD. 


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No matter on each platform You are posting or just reading. Sooner or later messages like this 2 examples bellow will show up. They are everywhere just like gravity :)




  I know also that facebook, reddit, twitter, just name it.... have filters and tools who aim to minimize such behavior. Trolls and hate oriented people will always find a way to go through and spread their garbage. 


      On Steemit instead, each and every one it's incentivized to act at his or her maximum potential. Any misbehave will be nearly instantly paid off by the community (by you, me or anybody) and not by a computer. It's easy to trick any program if You use @,%,*,_..... Example: "ha%te" 

      So Yes I do believe that if people are incentivized will generally behave or at least try to, at their maximum potential. Self censorship here on Steemit will get us all a better an safer space to be. 


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