5 Ways Content Marketing Will Help Fund Your Kickstarter Campaign


Let’s be honest: times are increasingly tough for entrepreneurs these days. Most startups and new projects fail due to a lack of funding. But what if you could put your project, idea, or invention online and allow people to back it by donating money in support of your genius idea? Thanks to platforms like Kickstarter, that’s now entirely possible.

Kickstarter is a crowdfunding website that makes it relatively easy to raise money for independent projects. Anyone with a good idea – from a new dog toy to the production of a movie to the next smartphone – can create a funding campaign via Kickstarter. Keep in mind, we use the term “relatively easy” due to the reality that much time and energy go into creating, maintaining, and marketing a Kickstarter campaign. There are a few essential steps to take along the path to crowdfunding that will improve your chances for funding success.

Here are five ways to advance the efforts of your crowdfunding campaign through content marketing practices:

Write your description extremely well

Don’t expect your new idea to sell itself. Then again, you shouldn’t appear be “selling” anything. By launching a Kickstarter campaign, you’re asking people to invest time and money into something you believe in, so make it clear that you’re passionate about the subject matter. Like all well-written content, your campaign description should be a story that connects your target audience to the beauty of your revolutionary idea. When in doubt, let quality storytelling be the strategy you lean on.

Update your audience throughout the process

Have you made it one-fourth of the way to your goal? You should talk about it. Don’t let the story of funding your campaign be a direct transition from dream to end result. Instead, add a personal touch, allowing current and potential investors to keep up with the status of the campaign. Try blogging about the process on your website or sharing video updates whenever you reach a major milestone.

Engage with people on social media

Create a profile for your campaign on the top social networks (like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest). For optimal success, start building them before the campaign begins. That way you’ll have a decent base of fans to engage with right out of the gate. If for some reason you have to wait until you launch, at least be prepared to get a jump: set up your profiles with the proper information, links, and graphics. To take this strategy to an expert level, brainstorm a few contest or sweepstake ideas; gifting winners with your product or offering some sort of free swag will increase engagement.

Perfect a few press releases

Partner with a public relations agency that can write and distribute well-crafted press releases throughout your campaign, or hire a content writer to capture the voice of your project. Keep in mind that running a successful Kickstarter campaign is a 24/7 job, one that you won’t want to get caught sleeping on. With backers coming in from all over the globe, you’ll have to be prepared to answer a barrage of questions. Knocking out a few press releases in advance will help spread the word and eliminate any confusion.

Utilize your network

We all know someone who knows someone who knows someone. Before you start your campaign, reach out to any friends or family members who could lend a hand. If your brand already has a network of influencers with similar target markets, get them on board as well. Keep them in the loop and have them ready to spread the word. Be sure you have everyone’s email address and a system with which to notify them when your campaign launches and advise them on any important updates. But be mindful during your campaign to not annoy your family, friends, and colleagues incessantly about your project!


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