Interesting Facts About The Internet You Really Need To Know


  1. Approximately 3.2 billion people use the internet. Out of this, 1.7 billion of internet users are Asians. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 200 billion emails and 3 billion Google search would have to wait if the internet goes down for a day.

  2. China has treatment camps for internet addicts. 200 million Internet users in China are between the ages of 15 and 35. Hence, it is most like that they lose self-control. Tao Ran, director of the country’s first Internet addiction treatment clinic under a military hospital in Beijing said that 40% of those addicted to the Internet suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

  3. 30,000 websites are hacked every day. Highly effective computer software programs are used by cybercriminals to automatically detect vulnerable websites which can be hacked easily.

  4. First webcam was created at the University Of Cambridge to monitor the Trojan coffee pot. A live 128×128 grayscale picture of the state of the coffee pot was provided as the video feed.

  5. Internet sends approximately 204 million emails per minute and 70% of all the emails sent are spam. 2 billion electrons are required to produce a single email.

  6. ” Gangnam Style ” by PSY is still the most viewed videos of all time with more than 2,840,000,000 views.

  7. The internet requires 50 Million horsepower to keep running in the current state.

In 2005, the broadband internet had a maximum speed of 2 Megabits per second. Today, 100Mbps download speeds are available in many parts of the country. But experts warn that science has reached its limit and fiber optics can take no more data.

  1. The first tweet was done on 21st March, 2006 by Jack Dorsey and the first YouTube video to be uploaded was “Meet At Zoo” at 8:27 p.m. on Saturday, April 23, 2005, by Jawed Karim.

  2. Approximately 9 Million adults in Britain and one-third of Italians have never used the internet. Imagine that! While there are treatment camps for internet addicts in China, a vast population of people has never used it till date.

  3. The majority of internet traffic is not generated by humans, but by bots and malware. According to a recent study conducted by Incapsula, 61.5% or nearly two-thirds of all the website traffic is caused by Internet bots.

  4. You’ve heard the term ‘surfing’ on the internet, right? Well, it originated in 1992, courtesy of a New York librarian whose name was Jean Armour Polly. Even now, the term is used quite often, but other words such as ‘browsing’ have also become a popular addition.

  5. Back in 2010, it was estimated that around 247 billion emails are sent in a single day. Fast forward to 2017, statistics group called Radicati Group estimates that around 269 billion emails are sent per day. Unfortunately, the majority of all them fall under the spam category.

  6. The world’s first website is still alive and kicking. It does not come close to being glamorous because all that’s present is text and hyperlinks but the fact that it is still running is pretty impressive.

  7. The internet is now 10,000+ days old. If you want to keep an exact track of the counter, you can always visit here and appreciate that you have access to free information anywhere and everywhere.

  8. Approximately £1.7 trillion worth of funds is spent online. If you ever counted the hours you were online, you would definitely freak out.

  9. Do you think the internet and World Wide Web mean the same thing? They are miles apart actually. The internet is a network of computers, while the World Wide Web is a bridge for accessing and sharing information across it.

  10. Remember the You’ve Got Mail website? Would you be surprised if we told you that it is still running even after all this time?

  11. The modern World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee was knighted by Queen Elizabeth. Perhaps royalty does recognize greatness because remember, Anthony Hopkins was knighted too.

  12. Ever care to wonder what was the first image to be uploaded by the inventor of the modern day World Wide Web was? It was a joke band of women from the nuclear research lab CERN.

  13. Let us bring some science into the equation; it takes around 2 billion electrons to produce a single email. Now imagine millions of emails being sent in a single day. That’s definitely a lot of electrons to be playing around with.

  14. It is expected that around 40 billion gadgets are going to be connected to the internet by 2020. That definitely does not sound good from a security point of view.

  15. Online dating might sound like a dumb idea but wait till you hear the amount of revenue it is generating. According to the latest statistic, online dating generates approximately $1 billion dollars every year.

  16. Want a reason to be jealous of South Korea and Japan? These countries have the best internet right now because according to Akamai, the average bandwidth speed in these locations is 22Mbps. In comparison, the average internet speed in the U.S. is 8.4Mbps.

  17. However, Americans are experiencing a hefty level of internet penetration as approximately 78 percent of people living there use the internet. With English being the most popular language, there should be no doubt in that statistic.

  18. The queries that you search for are just a minuscule percentage of the internet and is often referred to as the ‘Surface Web’. The remaining part is called ‘Deep Web’ and it is much larger than the Surface Web.

  19. You cannot even use a regular browser like Google Chrome or Firefox to access the deep web and will need something that people know as ‘Tor’ to access the ‘Deep Web’. Be careful though, as there is a lot of strange stuff lingering there.

  20. 2010 was the year which saw a tremendous event taking place in the age of the Internet. In this year, Finland became the first country to make the internet access a legal right.

  21. Want to know how popular is Facebook? Here is a little fun fact for you; almost half of the world’s population are internet users and nearly half of them are using Facebook.

  22. With every minute passing, there are 72 hours of YouTube video content being uploaded and that’s just one website. Imagine all the storage required to house all of this data.

  23. 7 People control the whole internet. Yes, you heard it right. There are seven people assigned to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) who hold seven different keys. In the case of Catastrophe, these seven people can meet again and restore the state of Internet. There are seven more copies of the original key in case if any one of them gets misplaced or if something goes wrong.

  24. 51% of all internet’s traffic is Fake.
    Humans only make up 49% of the entire traffic; the rest are triggered by various bots and spamming software. No doubt, we would be having faster connectivity If they weren’t leeching on bandwidths.

  25. Around 80% of the images available on the internet are of Naked women.
    The internet is pretty much attracted to naked ladies and explicit materials. We did a bit research on this, and the data seems believable. We have few more shocking stats to share with you regarding inappropriate contents. Here they are:

12% Of all existing websites online are currently NSFW.

1 out of every three downloads is NSFW content.
Sunday is the day of maximum consumption.
The online adult industry makes 3000$ a second.

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