Challenging Blue Whale Challenging Game Red Whale

download.pngMortal online games 'Blue Whale'. A British website has come up with a new type of game to panic in this game.

Here too, Bluehawel will be given a new task every day by the gamers. The name of the British website, Red Whale, has been named.
But this game difference with Blue Whale three. First of all, this game can not be played alone. Should play in a lover or husband or wife Secondly, not 50 days like Blue Whale, this game will be played under Red Whale for 30 days and positive sexting is the main condition of this game.

The website claims that mental depression attracts people towards games like Blue Whale. The best medicine for fatigue is sexuality. So, having sex in life is possible to survive this depression.

Bluehawel had to do many brutal acts in the game for 50 days. The website also has a specific list of what to do in the Red Whale game. In today's report, we have been given the list as per the day

  1. Be close to the night before going to bed.

  2. Some must be intimate in special points.

  3. To be physically close to twice a day.

  4. Sexual stimulating books will be read together.

  5. Sex Direction at the time of sex.

  6. Massage will be given to the partner or partner before bathing.

  7. Sex must be removed in less than 10 minutes.

  8. To get out of the car, you will meet in the car.

  9. Sitting on the sofa or chair will have physical relationship.

  10. Before oil will be massaged.

  11. The 'oral' approach is to be adopted.

  12. The maiden must play a leading role.

  13. The spouse should take initiative using her body so that the partner can enjoy extreme happiness.

  14. You should meet in any place in the house where there has never been a meeting before.

  15. You have to give yourself a great pleasure.

  16. There is a need to check out any difficulties.

  17. During toys, you have to use toys.

  18. You must see the scenes sitting together.

  19. Must be combined without extreme intimacy.

  20. E-mails to your partner or partner to have your sexual desire.

  21. You have to go to a shop that is available in 'Sex Toy'.

  22. Without sexual intimacy, sexual pleasure should be given to the partner.

  23. One night only to talk about sex. No other word can be said beyond sex.

24 To play sexually stimulating games like 'dice', 'spinner'.

  1. To be closer to the body using the organs below.

  2. The main role will be to play the male partner.

27 At the dinner table, the companion or spouse has to touch the table.

28 Must be joined more than once a day.

29 One of the two people to choose from. He will lose the toss and ask the other person what he wants from him.

  1. The last day's task is quite fancy. You must stay awake all night. Be as often as possible. The one who can meet the most, he will be the winner of the game.unnamed.png
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