Important Aspects of interior design

Interior design is not just concerned about the look of your home but lays more emphasis on making a space more functional. Interior design is actually a lot more than just colors on the walls, furniture and selecting fabrics, it plays a major role in changing people’s lives and improving their way of living. Sometimes people don’t hire Interior designers in Chennai in order to save cost and make mistakes that cost them heavily or they have to adjust to those mistakes. The interior design actually involves a lot of planning and analytical thinking. Interior design is a lucrative field and each interior design project begins with a discussion taking into account the different aspects of interior design. Listed here are the most important aspects of interior design.


Balance is termed as the equal distribution of visual objects in a room. Balancing a room is based on the architectural features of the room. Interior designers can choose between symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial - the three styles of balance to design a space.


Focal point

A room can have one or more focal points depending on the size of the room. A focal point is the one which lures a person and makes them look further. It should be designed in such a way to create a lasting impression. If a room doesn't have a natural focal point, the designer can create one by using a piece of art, furniture or a different color.

Unity and harmony

When doing a residential interior, the designer should ensure that a common style and theme is applied. All the elements of interior design should complement each other and should exhibit the real purpose of being in the room. An important element to create this unity is to use the right color.



In interior designing, rhythm means the repetition of the visual pattern. Rhythm means continuity or organized movement. To achieve this, a designer needs to think about repetition, progression, transition and contrast. Repetition means the use of same elements more than once in a particular space. Progression is increasing or decreasing the quality of an element. The transition is the natural flow that is created between different elements of a space. Contrast is placing two elements in opposition to one another.


Proportion refers to the ratio of one design element to another. It is very crucial in a room as it can make the room over-crowded and clumsy or look beautiful and attractive. For example, the use of over sized furniture in a small room can make the room look clumsy.


These five aspects of interior designing are very important as they help to design a space in a spectacular way. Only professional Interior decorators in Chennai know how to make all these aspects work together. Mirudu interiors in Chennai use all these aspects of interior design to create a space that is not just good but functional as well. They are known as the best False ceiling contractors in Chennai. They are specialized in residential and commercial interior, flat interior, office interior, institute interior and modular kitchen. So, if you want to make your space beautiful and full of life, hire Mirudu interiors now.

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