The most unusual professions in the world

There are a lot of unusual and specific works, most of which are relevant only in a certain territory, in a particular city. The most unusual professions in the world, as a rule, are found either in highly developed countries, or, conversely, in laggards.
The professions listed below are most likely not available to a wide range of people, since they are rare enough
And now we will start discussing unusual professions.

  1. Our list of the most unusual professions opens a dream dealer. In Chicago, the company has been successfully operating for several years, which fulfills dreams. True, not free of charge: the minimum order amount is ... 150 thousand dollars. But for this money you can get anything (within reasonable limits, of course), up to becoming a "star" ... True, for one day.

  2. Professional "sleepyhead". There are several areas of this work. Initially, the "Sony" began to hire American companies that manufacture sofas and beds. After all, it is important for them to know how good their products are. Now, the services of professional "sleepers" are used by hotel owners to check the comfort level in the room (soundproofing, quality of furniture, etc.) and the quality of service.

  3. Mystery shopper. Not such a rare profession, as the services of these people are used by the owners of retail chains, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels (although there the "sony" do a good job).

  4. Cleaner of icebergs. It sounds strange, does not it? Yes, and such workers exist, and they perform rather important work. Do you remember the story of the Titanic? The liner could not miss the block of ice ... The oil platform also has no chance to avoid a collision, so they are rescued by iceberg cleaners.

  5. Hitchhikers. Exactly! You hitchhike, and for this you are still paid. Not bad, right? In Jakarta (the capital of Indonesia) about 30 million people and 20 million cars. Naturally, the roads are overloaded, and for this reason, the city authorities imposed a restriction and created a checkpoint, on which only cars with at least 3 people pass. Thus, the unemployed sit in the car in front of the checkpoint, pass and leave, receiving a modest fee for this. After that, they cross the road and - again, for money - return back. For a day you can earn up to $ 8, while the average per diem costs per person do not exceed a dollar.

  6. Dressing guide. In Japan and China for a modest fee, a specially trained person will not only prompt you, but also show where the closest toilet is. Just imagine, in the workbook they have it written: "toilet guide"!

  7. The brain drain. Did you immediately think about your boss? But no, this profession is not connected with the moral carrying of the brain. These people work at slaughterhouses that supply the brains of animals to restaurants as delicacies.

  8. The operator that determines the sex of the chickens. When the age of chickens is 1 day, it is important to accurately determine their gender, as this will determine their further nutrition and conditions of detention.

  9. The wrinkle spreader. In expensive shoe boutiques, there are people who are specifically engaged in making sure that the shoes that consumers measure, there is no wrinkle left. They straighten them.

  10. Smelling of eggs. In some pastry shops, there are so-called "egg sniffers". They ensure that foul chicken eggs are not used for the production of confectionery.

  11. Cushion equalizer. In furniture stores specializing in the sale of bedroom suites, there are vacancies for pillow levelers. These people should walk in the trading floor and make sure that there are no wrinkles on the pillows.

The most enviable profession.

  1. Cleaner on a paradise island. Ben Sothel, was selected from 35,000 applicants. Half a year, he will serve as a cleaner for the Hamilton Island with a salary of $ 110,000, and live in a villa by the sea.

  2. Elite Bed Tester. Student Roisin Madigan, 22, receives $ 1,000 for sleeping on Savoir Beds beds every day, the company makes beds for luxury hotels. Her feelings about the beds she describes in her blog.

  3. Water pipe tester for attractions. Tommy Lynch tests water pipes for attractions, for a year he traveled almost the whole world: Mexico, Cyprus, Egypt, the Dominican Republic, his job is to ride the pipes and talk about his feelings.

  4. Professional tester prostitutes. No comments...

  5. Tester of sweets. Harry Willshe, a schoolboy, won a contest of a candy factory and became the main sweets tester, he tries candy with secret recipes and tells what he liked and what did not.

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