Interesting facts about memory

What is memory? This mystery is trying to unravel the greatest minds of mankind from time immemorial. In our time, entire institutions and scientific laboratories for the study of the brain as a whole and memory in particular are being created. But, despite all the efforts, there are still more questions than answers and memory remains the most mysterious ability of the human brain.

  1. Many surprising, and sometimes inexplicable facts can be brought about memory. For example, scientists have established that as early as 20 weeks the brain of a human embryo is able to remember the events occurring with it.

  2. Contrary to popular belief, caffeine does not improve memory. Under his action, there is only a short-term concentration of attention.

  3. Memory training : the brain is certainly not the muscles, but it also gives in to training. Constant exercise of memorization can significantly develop this function of the human body. Based on this, a "three-whale" theory was developed to improve memory. It consists of three simple items: nutrition, exercise and memorization. Not only for the brain, but for the whole organism, it is important to have fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements in food. The presence of these components in combination with exercises will help to keep a clear memory up to advanced years. If this is not enough, then you can resort to the help of nootropic drugs.

  4. No one will dispute the truth that a full-fledged sleep is beneficial for the brain. In addition, rest improves the quality of long-term memory. How it works, the scientists do not know yet, but the fact of dependence of sleep - memory is established.

  5. Sometimes a person from birth has a phenomenal ability to remember. So Mozart, once hearing a piece of music, could easily repeat it and, moreover, write notes on paper.

  6. A resident of the Australian city of Hobard, Paula Prentice, for three months, she learned a telephone directory that contained about 130,000 numbers with names and addresses. According to the woman herself, she did this to improve her qualifications, as she worked as a telephone service operator. But to remember her phone number Paula and could not.

  7. The unique memory is possessed by Dominic O'Brien. He is the repeated record holder of the Guinness book. So, 1994, at the memorization competitions, he memorized 152 words from a completely unfamiliar Chinese for 15 minutes. Dominic easily remembers playing cards, so in the casino, he is not a welcome guest. At the same time he suffers from a lack of concentration, because of what he could not finish school.

  8. Surprised world chess player from America Paul Morfi, who could play simultaneously on eight boards, and do not look at them.

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